Smoking Ban?? Update??


I wanted to add one more piece to this topic - real conversation with a bar owner in northern WI. We were up all last week and stopped at a place that does rather large business up in the sticks. This is how inconsistent this will be....the owner was told by the local sheriff they will not be actively, agressively enforcing the law. BUT - if a patron complains they will be forced to investigate. 1st time will be a warning, 2nd time will be a fine for both the bar and offending party. Person behind the bar already got into it with some customer when she was using one of those electronic cigarettes that puff vapor - the person thought it was a real cigarette and got all bent out of shape. Funny. Threatened to call the cops and made a scene.

So long story short, how selectively are they going to enforce this from county to county?
I wonder about that one. And if someone does smoke in a bar or gets too close to a doorway and is accused falsely, do we end up with a sorts of legal action to determine guild or innocence? The lawyers will get rich for sure. And once again the incongruity between the Indian Casinos and their alchohol serving establishments and everyone else sure doesn't do anything to make things equal.

I also heard there was a crowded joint in Rhinelander on the 4th of July, where at midnite the cops came in and started writing tickets to the bar and smoking patrons at 12:01. Now thats insane. This whole business is out of control in my opinion.

Don't know, don't care.



I knew you would go there, but with all due respect, your logic is backward. In the US we value safety of the worker, and while we understand that different jobs have different risk factors we strive, through government policy, to minimize those risks. Why? Because for decades the unions have fought hard battles to ensure worker safety.

You cannot just dismiss worker safety by saying "if you don't like it, quit". While some jobs are inherently more dangerous than others one should expect that employers and the government will try to remove these safety hazards.

If you work in a loud factory you get ear protection.
A construction zone requires hard hats
Machinery requires guards and interlocks.

You can't just dismiss workplace hazards with "oh, just quit." For crissakes, America would be populated with unemployed workers missing half their fingers.

No, workplace safety is important. Smokers emit a known carcinogen into the air in enclosed spaces that is dangerous to those that work there.

They are not considerate enough to step outside on their own, so now the government had to tell them to step outside.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!! Look what non-smokers are asked to sacrifice.

1. Places of employment. (think of the effect on the family and expenses incurred if having to travel)
2. Where we eat
3. where we drink
4. where we shop
people, the list goes on. How can people continue to defend this mentality. The smoker makes the smallest of sacrifice right now, being asked to step outside for moment. HE STILL SMOKES!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!! Do you see a strong selfish tendency here. if your defend rights at least stick to a reasonable position of business owners decision to operate as he chooses. Anyone can see the huge imbalance here. Do you still maintain it is reasonable for someone to sacrifice greatly and the other to do basically nothing except to walk a few feet.


Ya know, I just don't buy into this "the socialist sky is falling" rant. America, through its political system, is a ship that stays relatively upright, and has done so for 234 years. The move to the left that has occurred is a reaction to the Bush move to the right, which was a reaction to the Clinton move to the left, driven by the Bush 1 move to the right, on top of the Reagan move to the right, caused by the Carter move to the left, driven by the Ford/Nixon move to the right, driven by the Johnson/Kennedy move to the I need to continue?

You will see a move back to the right in the midterm elections in 2010 just like you did in 1994 midterm elections.

And so it goes..left...right...left...right, and we still have the best country in the history of the world.

Funny, despite the "impending doom that is crashing upon our doorsteps", the ship always seems to stay upright.

I bet the thread gets pulled now!

There is such a thing as extremism. We certainly saw nothing extreme about the way this country was managed in the prior eight years. The Reagan years - maybe, but that was a result of the cold war and the need to stand strong against the very idealology that has been proven not to work, is very destructive and is being forced down out throats right now! We are being governed from the extreme left and evidence of this exists at every turn. So apparently you are fine having other people tell you how to run your life, and that is OK. The implication of course is the incapability to make your own decisions and manage your own life. To each his own.

When the ship finally falters after listing badly as it is now, and then goes belly up, we may look back and realize we had a chance to avoid the disaster.


Active member
FRNASH, you want this one?
I've been trying to stay 'outa' [sic] this discussion.
If you are 'refering' [sic] to this:
"... as a indaviduel [sic] its [sic] MY CHOICE TO SMOKE ..."
"... ive [sic] met people who out lived NONE [sic] SMOKERS ..."
"... I do though get sick and tired of the harrasment [sic] by none [sic] smokers ..."
"... They sell these cool little ELETRIC [sic] cigaretts [sic] ..."
"... the lop hole in our system ..."
… it's 'probally' [sic] a lost cause.
Not to mention, if I tried to correct it it might be 'considdered' [sic] 'harrasment' [sic] by [a] 'none' [sic] smoker!

My 'hed' hertz (about 15,000 Hz).

Ok, mxz_chris, I took your 'bate' [sic]. Sorry!


New member
for each one of you smokers who get's cancer how much does it cost in the insurance part of this? one heck of lot and the insurance indusrty has a lot to do with this to Also did you know alot of the employers in this country are making it a NO SMOKE Zone inside and outside there doors If you can not pass a smoke test you don't get hired period also if they see you smoke BAM your FIRED on the spot so they can cut cost of the insurance they give there employers and to me I am glad they have done this Also Phil Harris was not my dad but if he was I would make it my mission in life to get people to stop smoking and to stop drinking RED BULL to that drink does nothing good It speeds up your heart rate and your blood pressure can go sky high No wonder this country is loosing the war on health well being . We all need to get in shape and be healthy or the Insurance we think is too high now to pay JUST WAIT it will get WORSE !!!!!!!


Well-known member
How can people continue to defend this mentality. The smoker makes the smallest of sacrifice right now, being asked to step outside for moment. HE STILL SMOKES!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!! Do you see a strong selfish tendency here. if your defend rights at least stick to a reasonable position of business owners decision to operate as he chooses. Anyone can see the huge imbalance here. Do you still maintain it is reasonable for someone to sacrifice greatly and the other to do basically nothing except to walk a few feet.

I was married to a smoker for 8 years, and she NEVER, not even when I brought my kids over, NOT ONCE think about the other people in the house. Her brother was even worse. Well guess what, divorced that family because there was no other way to remove myself and kids from it at any time (I feel sorry for her daughter, who also asked all the time to be considerate). I finally had to make the hard choice and leave. Did I want to? No. I loved that woman, and still do to a certain extent.

This is just another example of smokers feeling like it is their right to smoke any where they damn please, regardless of who is there, or even what they say.

We all hate being told we can't do something, or even asked to do it somewhere else. It's quite the bummer that the gov't had to step in to do something about it, but that's the way it is, primarily because you cannot tell or even ask someone to be even just a little respectful to others around them when they feel it is their RIGHT, vs. PRIVILEGE to do something.


New member
I've been trying to stay 'outa' [sic] this discussion.
If you are 'refering' [sic] to this:… it's 'probally' [sic] a lost cause.
Not to mention, if I tried to correct it it might be 'considdered' [sic] 'harrasment' [sic] by [a] 'none' [sic] smoker!

My 'hed' hertz (about 15,000 Hz).

Ok, mxz_chris, I took your 'bate' [sic]. Sorry!

Thank you. As always, correct, and entertaining.


XCR, I'm not sure how your post regarding a smoking wife is relevant but I can spin it too.
She was a smoker, it was her choice. No doubt she didn't start smoking after marrying you, so you knew she was a smoker at the time you said "for better or worse". The biggest mistake we make in life as human beings is the attempt to change people. You don't change people - they are what they are. Took me a long time to figure that one out. It's all about choice and our ability to choose who we associate with and where we do it. Isn't freedom wonderful. Enjoy it while you can because at this point I'm not sure we have the right. (pun intended)


New member
Here you Go MXZ.....Time Lost at any work place you know.. due to smoking... or how about welders.... eat smoke all day and what nots... but can't have a filterd run with it


Active member
Now that I allowed myself to get lured into joining this discussion, I will relate the following.

Back in the 1940s & 1950s my dad used to be a two-pack a day smoker (Camels, no less!). You have no idea how many $20.00 bets he lost with his co-workers at Chrysler (Hamtramck, MI) — they'd all quit smoking, and the first one to fall off the wagon would have to pay up. (And $20.00 was a bunch o' money in those days!)

Then in 1956, dad had a heart attack (at age 49!), and wound up in the hospital for two weeks. No heart catheterizations, stents, or coronary artery bypass operations in those days, just sit in your hospital bed in an oxygen tent day after day. (I am unaware what meds, if any, may have been administered.) Finally the oxygen tent was removed, but it remained in the room for the full two weeks.

After that experience dad declared that if he could be without smoking for two weeks, he could just quit. Period. Cold Turkey. And so he did. (If he ever even briefly fell off the wagon thereafter, I was unaware of it.)

To my knowledge, dad never suffered any further heart complications, although after retiring to 'da UP', he did spend his last several years (thirty or so years later, into his 80s) attached full time to an oxygen tank with a major case of emphysema, and also struggled with "senile dementia". (Were these both smoking related ailments? Who knows.) The combination did represent a major ordeal for my mother to deal with, as she was severely incapacitated by a cyst on her spine, and barely able to walk.

Shortly after dad quit smoking, we would occasionally have guests who smoked. Holy sox, the whole house, furniture, curtains, drapes, etc. would then be infused with stink, and the windows and mirrors would be coated with a thick smoke residue. (So what's in the lungs, eh?) Gag! Choke!

Oh yes, as a young sprout of 11 years of age, or so, I too did try a few cigs with the neighbor kids, out behind their garage. My immediate reaction: Ewww, that tastes like shyte, who would want to suck that crap into their lungs? No thanks!

Peer pressure? Spineless wimps! Have they no self respect? Get a backbone and tell your 'friends': "No way in h*** am I going to follow your stupid example!".

And finally, I see that the TV show Hells Kitchen has been discussed here in this thread. Didja ever notice, when the candidate chefs are "off duty" or in the "dormitory", how many of them are smokers? Are You kidding me? Is there any wonder they can barely recognize anything they taste in the blindfold tastings??? How in thunder can a person be a competent chef with a dead palate? On those grounds alone, I'd say smoking would be a disqualifying trait for a chef! For all I can tell, Chef Ramsay doesn't smoke. No surprise.
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Well-known member
EXACTLY!!!!!!!! Look what non-smokers are asked to sacrifice.

1. Places of employment. (think of the effect on the family and expenses incurred if having to travel)
2. Where we eat
3. where we drink
4. where we shop
people, the list goes on. How can people continue to defend this mentality. The smoker makes the smallest of sacrifice right now, being asked to step outside for moment. HE STILL SMOKES!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!! Do you see a strong selfish tendency here. if your defend rights at least stick to a reasonable position of business owners decision to operate as he chooses. Anyone can see the huge imbalance here. Do you still maintain it is reasonable for someone to sacrifice greatly and the other to do basically nothing except to walk a few feet.

You are absolutely right! As Americans, we have the right to eat where we want, drink where we want, work where we want, and shop where we want. It's got nothing to do with the owner of the establishment and his property rights. It's up to the government to make it all fair for everyone! It would be a lot easier if the government just owned all the property! Then we wouldn't have all these property owners crying about their rights all the time.

Enough sarcasm. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let it snow, and enjoy the snow, until snowmobiles are outlawed also.


New member
You are absolutely right! As Americans, we have the right to eat where we want, drink where we want, work where we want, and shop where we want. It's got nothing to do with the owner of the establishment and his property rights. It's up to the government to make it all fair for everyone! It would be a lot easier if the government just owned all the property! Then we wouldn't have all these property owners crying about their rights all the time.

Enough sarcasm. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let it snow, and enjoy the snow, until snowmobiles are outlawed also.

Amen, period. End of discussion. For me anyway:)


New member
As far as a buisness owner right to chose, yes I am all for it! They have a right to put any deep fried artery cloging fat induced item on the menu that they want. They have the right to chose to make whatever 75%alcahol mind numbing witches brew they would like. They have the right to decorate however they like. They have the right to hire whoever they want. They have the right to pay them whatever they wish (along as it is over minimum wage, started long ago, so don't even start on that one). They have the right to make their employees dress in whatever ridiculous uniform they like. They even have the right to make them dance and sing like goofballs when it is someones birthday. But, now (thankfully) they do not have the right to endanger their workers or patrons by allowing forcing the dangerous habbit of others onto them. All of you who are so scared of "big brother" taking away all of our "liberites" need to take up your fight on another issue. This issue is about safety, PERIOD end of sentence! Not about banning smoking. Do you really think that with all of the taxes that the government make on tobacco that they would be dumb enough to kill that cash cow? In this climate, that would be economic suicide! For once, they are trying to do something for the good of the people (I almost fainted typing that). I do not want to see any buisnesses fail. Maybe, just maybe, don't you think that possibly the decline in buisness in resturaunts and bars is due to THE MASSIVE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE? I don't know about you all, but when I got laid off, the dinners out and trips to the bars ended untill I got back working again. Got to pay the bills first!


New member
I say if the government can take 40% of my paycheck for taxes and if I want to have a cigarette at my favorite watering hole and that owner lets people smoke in it then you bet I am having one. If you skirt wearing libs and dems don't like it then move to Canada or Europe. Don't forget to take the rainbow warriors with you. **** you might even get us tax paying people to pay for the trip.


I say if the government can take 40% of my paycheck for taxes and if I want to have a cigarette at my favorite watering hole and that owner lets people smoke in it then you bet I am having one. If you skirt wearing libs and dems don't like it then move to Canada or Europe. Don't forget to take the rainbow warriors with you. **** you might even get us tax paying people to pay for the trip.

Ahh yes, name calling...the inevitable conclusion of a fun thread!

No matter how fun the party, somebody always has to take a dump in the pool.

Thanks everyone, it was a good time!



New member
Yes, it was an interesting disussion that stayed surprisingly civil despite the strong opinions on each side. Hopefully one of the mods can delete just that one post without having to scrap the whole thread and keep the discussion going.


Well-known member
XCR, I'm not sure how your post regarding a smoking wife is relevant but I can spin it too.
She was a smoker, it was her choice. No doubt she didn't start smoking after marrying you, so you knew she was a smoker at the time you said "for better or worse". The biggest mistake we make in life as human beings is the attempt to change people. You don't change people - they are what they are. Took me a long time to figure that one out. It's all about choice and our ability to choose who we associate with and where we do it. Isn't freedom wonderful. Enjoy it while you can because at this point I'm not sure we have the right. (pun intended)

The point was her inconsiderate behavior WHILE smoking, which is EXACTLY what lead to the Gov. stepping in and saying enough.

It wasn't the only reason I left her......


Here you Go MXZ.....Time Lost at any work place you know.. due to smoking... or how about welders.... eat smoke all day and what nots... but can't have a filterd run with it

cant have a cig? Good illustration of how you really see this. You guys make comments like this and we learn more each time. It' obvious your upset and by twisting the facts it shows. I am not trying to be mean but you say a smoker cannot have a cig. This regulation does not say this at all. It says smoking in a confined space affects others in possibly harmful ways so please step outside and have your cig, that's what it says. I honestly wish you the best with your venture in business. You made a bold move and I applaud you for that. I hope this smoking has no long term effect on you. hang in there bud, better days are ahead.


Well-known member
As far as a buisness owner right to chose, yes I am all for it! They have a right to put any deep fried artery cloging fat induced item on the menu that they want. They have the right to chose to make whatever 75%alcahol mind numbing witches brew they would like. They have the right to decorate however they like. They have the right to hire whoever they want. They have the right to pay them whatever they wish (along as it is over minimum wage, started long ago, so don't even start on that one). They have the right to make their employees dress in whatever ridiculous uniform they like. They even have the right to make them dance and sing like goofballs when it is someones birthday. But, now (thankfully) they do not have the right to endanger their workers or patrons by allowing forcing the dangerous habit of others onto them. All of you who are so scared of "big brother" taking away all of our "liberties" need to take up your fight on another issue. This issue is about safety, PERIOD end of sentence! Not about banning smoking. Do you really think that with all of the taxes that the government make on tobacco that they would be dumb enough to kill that cash cow? In this climate, that would be economic suicide! For once, they are trying to do something for the good of the people (I almost fainted typing that). I do not want to see any businesses fail. Maybe, just maybe, don't you think that possibly the decline in business in restaurants and bars is due to THE MASSIVE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE? I don't know about you all, but when I got laid off, the dinners out and trips to the bars ended until I got back working again. Got to pay the bills first!

well enjoy the right you currently have to buy fatty artery clogging food that a establishment owner serves you .that right is closing fast did you know with the new health care bill in the electronic medical records that all people living in the USA will be forced to have has a little clause in it that states all medical records will contain your body fat there you have it for some reason kathleen Sibelius needs to know your fat content for the feds data base why?prob because that is the next right you will lose the right to eat what you want because it is going to affect what every one pays for the socialised medicine .or poss to decide what level of care you will be entitled to.I don't smoke I don't give 2 ****s who smokes or dose not smoke but every time you let the gov take away a property owners rights because you may think it is a good Idea you are ****king your self in the end it is not a stretch to think they will be coming after something you enjoy in the near future