GZ job was to watch the neighborhood. He took the initiative to persue TM. He didn't do what the police told him to do and as a result someone is dead. You guys can look at this with a hardened heart all you like, but what if it was your son? I think you'd be a little more interested in seeing the other side.
Lets say you are walking through a area and someone is following you and suspicions of you. If they tried to detain me and I was of clear conscious I would not listen to the jerk outside of reason,,, and be on my way. I would respectfully tell him he is mistaken and tell him my address and than he could do what he wants with it. If he insisted I remain I would walk with no regret.
I had an occasion at a BMX track I was practicing at. One evening a guy had some stuff stolen and me and my son were there. This guy was irate and started to question me and I said respectfully and calmly that he didn't need to worry about me and he can look in my car. He continued to get foul because he was ticked off looking to blame someone. He made the comment he should come over and check my car, I said go ahead and he blurted out some vulgar language. It ticked me off and I told him he has two options, you can either stop my or call the police. Point is that if this clown came over to me we were gonna gonna do it. If he had a gun he may of had to shot me,,,that is if he felt threatened. I would not have beaten him senseless I am old school and as far as I am concerned we settle things in a somewhat civil manner which includes fighting, if required,,,,, no guns!
A guy walking down the street does not prompt one to possible kill a guy. I understand cops get killed by a similar incident but GZ was no cop and as a result of poor judgement killed a guy. Why do we not see " severe injuries on him. He had a little blood on his face and back of his head. He was treated and released and all the photos I saw he looked like a man NOT fighting fore his life. I come home from work looking worse worse than him some days.
When you kid dies as a result of walking through a area where some goon see's him as a threat, LMK how that goes for you.