Vacine Shot

old abe

Well-known member
You're gonna have a really hard time listening to Lush Rimbaugh any more!

Yeah, well no problem, eh. One my good friends, a real conservative, labeled that kind of media, "hate media", years ago. One only needs to remember, Roger Ailes coined the "alternative facts" over 30 years ago.


Staff member
I never followed Rush, but remember walking into a hospital waiting room and seeing he was on the TV. So while waiting, I figured I would sit close enough to listen. He was on a tirade about climate change. I don't remember all of his inaccuracies, but there were a few. The one I do remember is how he went on and on about how there could be no buildup of methane in the atmosphere because methane is flammable and there are x amounts of lightning strikes on earth every minute! Yea, run with that Rush! Pure science!

I will say that he did sound very convincing and understood that if you did not know any better, then it would be very easy to go with what he said and not question it at all.

That 20 minutes of listening to him was all I needed to know I was not missing anything important by not listening to him. I had come to the same conclusion about the network news and social media many years before that.

Believe what you want folks, but I go by the mantra: "Better to sit there and look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


As a post script, I would like to add that this post should not reflect my opinion on climate change. Only the comments made by Rush.
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Well-known member
Yeah, well no problem, eh. One my good friends, a real conservative, labeled that kind of media, "hate media", years ago. One only needs to remember, Roger Ailes coined the "alternative facts" over 30 years ago.

Abe, I was going to ignore yours and frnash's comments but I'm curious, what makes a conservative a "real" conservative? The two of you made some short pithy comments that in my opinion were uncalled for and I won't respond to them. From what I remember I didn't attack an ideology or political viewpoint at all. I would not hesitate to call out a stupid decision made by a politician however. For a long time I have known you and now Frnash don't sit on the same side with me politically and that's OK. I enjoy listening to your comments and at times not, but I would never attack your point of view about a particular subject. To be honest I'm a little surprised how quickly you both were triggered on this...maybe I was naive???


I never followed Rush, but remember walking into a hospital waiting room and seeing he was on the TV. So while waiting, I figured I would sit close enough to listen. He was on a tirade about climate change. I don't remember all of his inaccuracies, but there were a few. The one I do remember is how he went on and on about how there could be no buildup of methane in the atmosphere because methane is flammable and there are x amounts of lightning strikes on earth every minute! Yea, run with that Rush! Pure science!

I will say that he did sound very convincing and understood that if you did not know any better, then it would be very easy to go with what he said and not question it at all.

That 20 minutes of listening to him was all I needed to know I was not missing anything important by not listening to him. I had come to the same conclusion about the network news and social media many years before that.

Believe what you want folks, but I go by the mantra: "Better to sit there and look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


Hello John! I have a question for you. Since you understood Rush to be in error on a subject he was not properly educated in, does that indeed mean all his other words on politics are not worthy of the possibility of being profitable for listening? Let me better try to give you an example of what I’m talking about. I like to debate people on religious topics and I listen to them all, in all different divisions within the religion of Christianity but specifically on soteriology. When I find somebody is in error I don’t immediately reject all of their work. Often I find myself in error and that my doctrine is in a constant state of evolution, being refined to be more accurate as I develop. So with that said, it seems that you would be rejecting everything that would come out of his mouth because you found him to be in error which seems a little premature in my opinion. This thread has many comments and I bet some of us are considering some of the things being said. Maybe some of us are developing a better understanding and that is beneficial. Taking one person‘s mistake and writing them off as not worth listening to would greatly diminished their work in its entirety. If I’m wrong, help me to understand a little better, thanks brother!
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Staff member
Hello John! I have a question for you. Since you understood Rush to be in error on a subject he was not properly educated in, does that indeed mean all his other words on politics are not worthy of the possibility of being profitable for listening? Let me better try to give you an example of what I’m talking about. I like to debate people on religious topics and I listen to them all, in all different divisions within the religion of Christianity but specifically on soteriology. When I find somebody is in error I don’t immediately reject all of their work. Often I find myself in error and that my doctrine is in a constant state of evolution, being refined to be more accurate as I develop. So with that said, it seems that you would be rejecting everything that would come out of his mouth because you found him to be in error which seems a little premature in my opinion. This thread has many comments and I bet some of us are considering some of the things being said. Maybe some of us are developing a better understanding and that is beneficial. Taking one person‘s mistake and writing them off as not worth listening to would greatly diminished their work in its entirety. If I’m wrong, help me to understand a little better, thanks brother!
<br><br>Hi Lenny<br><br><em>"does that indeed mean all his other words on politics are not worthy of the possibility of being profitable for listening"</em><br><br>I can only answer for myself, but so for me yes, but let me explain. Most of the time I listen to any talk radio, podcasts or watch TV is to enlighten my knowledge with things that are historically or scientifically true. Not to hear others opinions. I am 100% perfectly fine with what others think, as I am very confident in the short list of what I believe to be truths. I have absolutely no problem with others opinion, as long as that thinking does not bring harm or lead to harm to that person or others. <br><br>Rush was an immensely well known radio personality for many reasons, but that type of programming just does not appeal to me. So since listening to him say what he did and know that for 100% he was wrong, I then would have to question anything he says that I do not know about. I would have to research them myself to see if they are true or not. That is WAY too much work for something I was not even interested in the first place!<br>
<br>As I also said, I watch none of the network news and my list of other news sources is dwindling to an extremely small one. <br><br>Quite frankly, this may disturb a lot that read it, but I do not concern myself too much with what is going on in the country or world. I tend to focus on what is in my day to day world. Family, friends and how to be as good a person to them as I can be and let the rest of the world do what it's going to do. I suppose that's part of the benefits of living where I do, I am not impacted by what is going on outside of "my" world.<br><br>My mantra is: "Occupy Yourself" <br><br>Take care!<br><br>-John


Hi Lenny

"does that indeed mean all his other words on politics are not worthy of the possibility of being profitable for listening"

I can only answer for myself, but so for me yes, but let me explain. Most of the time I listen to any talk radio, podcasts or watch TV is to enlighten my knowledge with things that are historically or scientifically true. Not to hear others opinions. I am 100% perfectly fine with what others think, as I am very confident in the short list of what I believe to be truths. I have absolutely no problem with others opinion, as long as that thinking does not bring harm or lead to harm to that person or others.

Rush was an immensely well known radio personality for many reasons, but that type of programming just does not appeal to me. So since listening to him say what he did and know that for 100% he was wrong, I then would have to question anything he says that I do not know about. I would have to research them myself to see if they are true or not. That is WAY too much work for something I was not even interested in the first place!

As I also said, I watch none of the network news and my list of other news sources is dwindling to an extremely small one.

Quite frankly, this may disturb a lot that read it, but I do not concern myself too much with what is going on in the country or world. I tend to focus on what is in my day to day world. Family, friends and how to be as good a person to them as I can be and let the rest of the world do what it's going to do. I suppose that's part of the benefits of living where I do, I am not impacted by what is going on outside of "my" world.

My mantra is: "Occupy Yourself"

Take care!


John, I like much of what you have said and will not attempt to challenge you in any way on how you perceive things. On a side note, do you personally think that the government (state or federal) has infringed on US citizens life or liberty?


Here’s a cut and paste from her control research study on the contamination of cloth facemasks in a clinical setting in Vietnam from 2015.<br><br><div id="sec-7" class="subsection" style="font-size: 16px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: interfaceregular, HelveticaNeue, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;"><p id="p-8" style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: auto; line-height: 2.5rem;"><strong style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box;">Results</strong> Viral contamination with rhinovirus was identified on both used medical and cloth masks. Most HCW (77% of daily washing) self-washed their masks by hand. The risk of infection was more than double among HCW self-washing their masks compared with the hospital laundry (HR 2.04 (95% CI 1.03 to 4.00); p=0.04). There was no significant difference in infection between HCW who wore cloth masks washed in the hospital laundry compared with medical masks (p=0.5).</p></div><div id="sec-8" class="subsection" style="font-size: 16px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: interfaceregular, HelveticaNeue, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;"><p id="p-9" style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: auto; line-height: 2.5rem;"><strong style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box;">Conclusions</strong> Using self-reported method of washing, we showed double the risk of infection with seasonal respiratory viruses if masks were self-washed by hand by HCWs. The majority of HCWs in the study reported hand-washing their mask themselves. This could explain the poor performance of two layered cloth masks, if the self-washing was inadequate. Cloth masks washed in the hospital laundry were as protective as medical masks. Both cloth and medical masks were contaminated, but only cloth masks were reused in the study, reiterating the importance of daily washing of reusable cloth masks using proper method. A well-washed cloth mask can be as protective as a medical mask.</p></div><br>


Keep in mind folks, these are clinical research studies that are scientific in nature, not opinion. What we are doing in the United States is hideous and dangerous by repeatedly wearing cloth masks. We see how much the infection rate is in a clinical study so think about how it is in society when we rarely ever wash the masks, touch them over and over , contaminating every other surface that we touch. We have really screwed this thing up folks and there’s a good reason why I do not wear a mask unless there’s absolutely something that I must do. I was in Illinois over the weekend for my dad‘s 90th birthday so I went into Farm and Fleet to get him some thing and I noticed that every single person in there was wearing a mask so I asked the cashier, are you guys refusing service to people who do not wear masks and she told me no. &nbsp;We have a huge number of men who have large beards wearing cloth masks or surgical masks somehow over their mouth only, not their nose, and the mask is absolutely doing nothing other than satisfying a mandate, regardless of how ineffective the performance of the mask actually is. &nbsp;I am fully convinced that we are creating more contamination than protection and again, this is why Anthony Fauci said that people should not be wearing masks unless you are ill. &nbsp; He knew that there’s unintended consequences from people fidgeting with their masks, contaminating their fingers and then every other service they touch. This is a huge problem and only expands the spread!


I'm not at all surprised that "true" colors have been revealed, given what I've seen in this page of posts.
If there are those here that THINK they are somehow more intelligent than the departed El Rushbo, well, then delusion is in fact alive and well in snowmobiling, as well as intellectual acuity.
If you don't believe massive amounts of research had gone into the production of that show...well, he didn't have 30 million listeners in a dead medium like AM radio because he was inaccurate.
Thank you for confirming what I've already known to be 98.7% true (as Mr. Limbaugh used to say), prior to today!
Talk about delusion....thinking you're smarter than the greatest radio personality of all time. Just hilarious.
Go ahead censor or delete my post - it's what socialists and communists do - might as well live up to the predilection. Have a great day.


Staff member
agreed! Since you have a background in science, a different field obviously, what’s your opinion on the efficacy of face masks?
<br><br>To me it it depends strongly on the type of mask. Beyond that, I believe only a level of protection and not full. I don’t know enough about masks and to how much protection from this virus.


Active member
I'm not at all surprised that "true" colors have been revealed, given what I've seen in this page of posts.
If there are those here that THINK they are somehow more intelligent than the departed El Rushbo, well, then delusion is in fact alive and well in snowmobiling, as well as intellectual acuity.
If you don't believe massive amounts of research had gone into the production of that show...well, he didn't have 30 million listeners in a dead medium like AM radio because he was inaccurate.
Thank you for confirming what I've already known to be 98.7% true (as Mr. Limbaugh used to say), prior to today!
Talk about delusion....thinking you're smarter than the greatest radio personality of all time. Just hilarious.
Go ahead censor or delete my post - it's what socialists and communists do - might as well live up to the predilection. Have a great day.


That was always an issue with listening to Rush, if you caught 20 minutes of a show that turned you off from him, then there was no way to get you back. He always said that you had to give him 6 weeks of listening to really grasp what he was all about.

I have been listening to him since '88, and although I don't agree with everything he says, I always appreciated how he could simplify what he was talking about and make it easy to understand.


Active member
Abe, I was going to ignore yours and frnash's comments but I'm curious, what makes a conservative a "real" conservative? The two of you made some short pithy comments that in my opinion were uncalled for and I won't respond to them. From what I remember I didn't attack an ideology or political viewpoint at all. I would not hesitate to call out a stupid decision made by a politician however. For a long time I have known you and now Frnash don't sit on the same side with me politically and that's OK. I enjoy listening to your comments and at times not, but I would never attack your point of view about a particular subject. To be honest I'm a little surprised how quickly you both were triggered on this...maybe I was naive???
Old Abe and myself have "made some short pithy comments that in my opinion were uncalled for"? I'm — almost — curious as to which of my posts you refer to, but never mind, I have no interest in engaging in a "pithing" contest here. As to Limbaugh, my familiarity with his radio program was solely due to the fact that the best source for accurate traffic reports during my commuting days happened to be the local AM radio station that carried his program. I have no opinion regarding his politics, just my early conclusion that his sole focus and objective was maintaining and growing his audience. Period. Thus I largely ignored him. Beyond that, my only comment here simply was in recognition of his passing. My other comments on COVID-19 inoculations relate to my own dilemma regarding the risk vs. benefit they might have for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Edit: To clarify for anyone here who might have jumped to a different ‘contusion’, as to “politics”, I will say only that I have considered myself a “Barry Goldwater Conservative” since reading the book, “The Conscience of a Conservative”, shortly after it was published in 1960, and thereby recognizing how my thoughts aligned with his as expressed therein. Interesting that I was at Michigan Tech at the time, without the slightest thought or expectation of ever moving to Arizona.
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Well-known member
As we've all expressed our views, our experiences, and lastly the results we have all seen to this point, one thing that has been blatantly obvious, (And we have done our best to follow the rules here) is this whole thing was one big politicized mess. It was used and is still being used to, with the help from our wonderful media, to influence our lives in a way I have never seen before.

Whether you agree or disagree with how things were handled, this is still a free country. Its pretty clear that none of this has been a one size fits all solution. Take care of yourself, make informed decisions for yourself.


Well-known member
around me in lower michigan just about every commercial on the radio is governor whitless telling me to behave and it might get better BLAH, BLAH,BLAH SPENDING tax dollars<br><br>Im not taking it<br>I never do flu shots either but RARELY get sick, prob missed 8-10 days work in 18 years.&nbsp;<br>Granted i may have been at my desk working with a stupid cold or flu<br>this year i had a runny nose one day and I still went to work LOL


Well-known member
we have 120 employees and only one wears a mask, its been buisness as usual for the last year for us<br>i have a couple masks that have been getting shoved in coat pockets, laid on bars and tables, dropped on the floor etc for the last year and finally got washed last week, yeah prob gross<br>the only time i put a mask on is at my favorite bars walking in and out and i eat out or go somewhere everyday....


Active member
… It (this whole thing) was used and is still being used to, with the help from our wonderful media, to influence our lives in a way I have never seen before. …
That seems a fair analysis, given how many pandemics we have seen before.
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Well-known member
If I understood my nurse friend correctly, yes, they created a new code to be used on the death chart for "Covid".

That is correct information. The intent was not for the reason that most believe.

We have used a poor system in regards to tracking seasonal viruses like the flu. The numbers that are reported are an estimation of cases. The numbers are derived from a small group of medical treatment facilities spread across the country that are doing laboratory confirmed testing on patients. The confirmed flu numbers from those facilities are then used to calculate how much of the entire population has had the flu. There is also a delay in the calculation process that creates a delay in reporting the numbers. Often, the most recent number of cases reported is actually data from previous years. It is a messy process and the delays create problems with proper action.

There was enough foresight early on with Covid to create a definition of the disease that can essentially be "checked" on the charts. That little step creates the ability to "track" numbers in real time instead of retroactive estimations. It is a big deal. That is also how we can immediately get number that are broken down to exact geographic locations like your home town. That little check, or code, has also been used more than anyone ever intended. In some ways, we are lucky it is in place. When funding started to roll out it was tied to Covid. The little check meant that funding and resources specifically for Covid would roll into those cases That eased the burden of private insurers, under insured, clinics, and hospitals. The little check mark also allowed for more accurate determination of treatment testing and result tracking. It helped speed up the development of effective treatments.
It seems ironic that some would call the covid box a means to collecting a bounty. It really means that testing and treatment for Covid is deferred to the programs specifically funded to fight the virus. The financial burden is reduced away from individuals, clinics, and hospitals. A financial manager would be a fool to turn away money. A doctor wouldn't get many pats on the back for turning away help.


That seems a fair analysis, given how many pandemics we have seen before.
<br><br>Hello Frank, I’ll ask you the same question I asked John.  Do you think the government (state or federal) has infringed on us citizens since this covid-19 thing started? <br>