10-13 MI Snowmobile Fatalities report


New member
Pat, logic also says, Helmets save lives. But again that topic had been whipped to death. Oh, nothing wrong with being a troll. Lol.

I with ya on that but a level playing field then if you decide to run into a tree (or not wear a helmet that's your personal decision.....see how that works....

I see how signs and some design of the roadway can make all the difference in death toll of said road and yes I belive the trail sys is a close second to same safety as roadway seeing Mich has done a good job of making super highways you should treat them that way...yes superhighway is how the sys in Mich is compared to MN,WI.......I never heard anyone say at a fatal accident "well maybe we should take down the speedlimit sign and the curve ahead sign! that should slow everyone down" nope that never been said.........troll are fun people but I am not one cant belive someone would say that but oh well.....


Pat, logic also says, Helmets save lives. But again that topic had been whipped to death. Oh, nothing wrong with being a troll. Lol.

there was a death with no helmets.

17 3-3-13 1745 Mackinac Co., Mackinac
Island on M-185
State Hwy near Mahoney Ave –
Impact with tree
51 / Female Suspected Mackinac
Island, MI
Unknown Pending
Deceased was operating with one passenger; she failed to negotiate a curve and struck a tree. Neither were wearing helmets


Active member

Sorry to hear about your loss. There are 8 more families going through the same suffering, regardless of the cause and I feel for all of them.

I have stated all along since this topic first came up, I think it's a BAD idea! It appears the statistics posted, however accurate, do not indicate a "real" increase of deaths in Michigan this year. If you factor in the actual number of "ridable" days the past two years compared to this year, It actually seems as though the proportional number of deaths is down from a statistical vantage point.

One death is too many but we all know that this sport will always come with casualties. I really don't think the reduction in signs has played a significant role in the deaths but, why not make the trails as safe as possible.


New member

Sorry to hear about your loss. There are 8 more families going through the same suffering, regardless of the cause and I feel for all of them.

I have stated all along since this topic first came up, I think it's a BAD idea! It appears the statistics posted, however accurate, do not indicate a "real" increase of deaths in Michigan this year. If you factor in the actual number of "ridable" days the past two years compared to this year, It actually seems as though the proportional number of deaths is down from a statistical vantage point.

One death is too many but we all know that this sport will always come with casualties. I really don't think the reduction in signs has played a significant role in the deaths but, why not make the trails as safe as possible.

wow I agree 100% and here I thought we where arguing over something.....


Active member
If you would have done your research on past threads regarding my opinion on this topic and, actually read my first post in this thread instead of focusing on the stupid joke I made, then, maybe, you would have actually understood my point of view instead of blasting me as useless poster because I try to lighten things up and I'm friends with Wayne. Which I still can't figure out how that factors in.

Bottom line is, we all love to snowmobile, we all have different riding styles and we all have different opinions as to how the signage issue affects us individually as a rider.

Seems useless to argue about it!


Active member
Ive noticed the MI DNR has changed the 12/13 report from past years.
"Cause of Death" has a new heading of "Area - most harmful event"
And each incident that didnt take place on a Trail (signs) is clearly reported as "not associated with a designated trail "

Whether signs are added or removed it all comes down to speed on all but a few incidents year after year. On a trail or not. And most reported are not. A nice convienence but I wouldnt be relying on signs to regulate my ability to ride in my "safe zone"


Ive noticed the MI DNR has changed the 12/13 report from past years.
"Cause of Death" has a new heading of "Area - most harmful event"
And each incident that didnt take place on a Trail (signs) is clearly reported as "not associated with a designated trail "

Whether signs are added or removed it all comes down to speed on all but a few incidents year after year. On a trail or not. And most reported are not. A nice convienence but I wouldnt be relying on signs to regulate my ability to ride in my "safe zone"

I couldn't agree more with you. Sometimes we just make mistakes and there can be dire consequences.

Did anybody look at the video I posted at the 5:30 mark?

You guys need to see this as it is revealing.


Well-known member
OK, I have a question to firecatguy... How many miles of UP trail have you ridden this year? Moreover, how many trail miles in Michigan have you ridden this year? I personally have ridden a bit more of them this year than usual & quite frankly, found the signage to be more than adequate & less cluttered. Simply put, drive attentively. Certainly there are & have been times when each & everyone of us have been distracted at some point in our travels & did not see a particular sign, does this mean there was a lack of them? No. Sh_t happens sometimes. Do we need an over abundance of the same signs pointing in the same direction to get our attention? No we don't. It is a sad fact of any motorsport that someone will get killed. Whether it be on Sleds, Motorcycles, ATV's, Watercraft etc.... Simple errors do happen & at times they do not have a favorable outcome. These things are called Accidents- an unforseen unexpected event. That is why we are taught from a young young age to be prepared & to react accordingly to our surroundings, common sense is not found on a sign.-Mezz


New member
OK, I have a question to firecatguy... How many miles of UP trail have you ridden this year? Moreover, how many trail miles in Michigan have you ridden this year? I personally have ridden a bit more of them this year than usual & quite frankly, found the signage to be more than adequate & less cluttered. Simply put, drive attentively. Certainly there are & have been times when each & everyone of us have been distracted at some point in our travels & did not see a particular sign, does this mean there was a lack of them? No. Sh_t happens sometimes. Do we need an over abundance of the same signs pointing in the same direction to get our attention? No we don't. It is a sad fact of any motorsport that someone will get killed. Whether it be on Sleds, Motorcycles, ATV's, Watercraft etc.... Simple errors do happen & at times they do not have a favorable outcome. These things are called Accidents- an unforseen unexpected event. That is why we are taught from a young young age to be prepared & to react accordingly to our surroundings, common sense is not found on a sign.-Mezz

here I got one better for ya...dont have much use for trails could care less to ride em!!what your point? I guess this is over for me as only a few select can have an opinion and anyone trying to say they have facts have there head up their azz.....funny how I tell this to any sledder at work or any I know and they just look at me blank stare and say "they really think taking down signs is going to slow people down and make safer trails?" and I just say yeap thats the plan.....


here I got one better for ya...dont have much use for trails could care less to ride em!!what your point? I guess this is over for me as only a few select can have an opinion and anyone trying to say they have facts have there head up their azz.....funny how I tell this to any sledder at work or any I know and they just look at me blank stare and say "they really think taking down signs is going to slow people down and make safer trails?" and I just say yeap thats the plan.....

Every person that disagrees with you is trying to not allow you to have an opinion? I try and try to see it your way. I try an have extra compassion for you but with all due respect, all the common sense in the world does not get your attention. You never respond to our questions but you do just keep saying nothing and crying we have no room for opinions. How long must we only have opinion? How many
pages have we come to now and we are still ignoring stats and experiences? Maybe you are and that's why you don't contribute to the factual side.



Sorry to hear about your loss. There are 8 more families going through the same suffering, regardless of the cause and I feel for all of them.

I have stated all along since this topic first came up, I think it's a BAD idea! It appears the statistics posted, however accurate, do not indicate a "real" increase of deaths in Michigan this year. If you factor in the actual number of "ridable" days the past two years compared to this year, It actually seems as though the proportional number of deaths is down from a statistical vantage point.

One death is too many but we all know that this sport will always come with casualties. I really don't think the reduction in signs has played a significant role in the deaths but, why not make the trails as safe as possible.

with available information, it appears there were 7 deaths associated with failure to negotiate a curve, 3 were on designated trail and the other 4 were not. An unusual incident,,, one death was the result of colliding with a stop sign. There are also a few of the fatalities that are still pending and no info to draw a conclusion.


Well-known member
understood! Let me ask you this, do you ride with the mindset that the idea is bad and you are looking for discrepancies in the signage or are you riding the trail like normally and finding that these sign caused you some inconvenience or other mishap. Have you personally missed a corner? Are people riding to fast to miss a corner? Still at a loss how lack of sign can trump an ability to adjust to new conditions? No signs means we die?

This post may be a bit lengthy, and for that I apologize. Those reading may wish to get an extra beverage and popcorn in advance! :)
Lenny, when I first heard about the changes coming, I thought it was a bad idea. My wife was even more apprehensive. Nonetheless, I wasn't going to let it stop me from riding and that I would give it a fair shake. So no, I didn't approach the season with the mindset that it was a bad idea. As far as discrepancies, I honestly didn't think about them or that there might be some. And just to back up a little, when I speak of discrepancies I'm specifically referring to discrepancies between different trail systems. Within a particular system things seem to be as consistent as can be expected.

I have not personally missed a corner because of any of the changes. I'm not going to say I've never missed a corner, but it has been a long time and not very often. I'm also not boasting of my riding abilities. It has more to do with how I ride -- like I've said before, I'm not a speed guy and when I'm riding with my wife (which has been most of my riding for the past 3 or 4 years), I'm even less so. Are other people riding too fast to miss corners? Well yeah, it happens. It's still happening with the changes. I've had a couple guys come around corners or curves on my side of the trail. And all my riding is done during the week when there's less traffic, so I can only imagine that such incidents would be more numerous on the weekends. Personally, the signs I pay the most attention to (other than stop signs) are the curve signs -- more to warn me of what might be coming through that curve or turn than anything else.

5 years ago the big problem was over signage,,,, do you remember all the complaints and controversy? 3 signs in a corner, arrows for slight bends. Honestly, all you are missing now that were useful are the slight corners, bridge, although the bridges do have reflectors on them and you can see them coming up.

I honestly don't remember a problem with oversignage, nor do I remember the complaints and controversy. I'm not saying it didn't exist, I'm just saying I don't remember it so I can't offer any comment on that.

Do you agree that a slower speed at times will allow better decisions and prevent bad things from happening. This may not be what many call the ideal approach but it does require more from those who operate a sled and that is something good for the operator. Take the responsibility seriously and protect yourself with your own actions. No more passing the buck and blaming other.

I couldn't agree with this more. What I disagree with is how it is accomplished, or if it even can be accomplished. If it can, I don't believe it's with signs, either taking some down or putting more up, and I don't think it will have much effect on the riders it really needs to affect. I think the change has to come from within the rider. It's all about common sense, respect for your fellow riders, being honest about knowing your riding abilities, and riding within them. Let's look at it this way (and I'm not looking to spark a gun control debate, I'm simply using it as an analogy). In Michigan, those of us with a CPL know that schools are off-limits with regards to concealed carry. Nonetheless, many in Michigan and other states (maybe most or all, I don't know) have signs saying "Gun-free school zone". Has that stopped some nuts from disobeying them? No. So are they really effective? Similarly....if somebody is riding a snowmobile with a selfish mentality that he's a great rider, always in control, don't need no stinking signs to tell him how to ride, rides with little to no regard for others on the trail, loves blowing the snow out of curves and corners, and salivates at the opportunity to tear up that fresh ribbon you just laid down, do you think a sign -- or lack of sign -- is really going to change his behavior? Obviously many do. Call me a pessimist, but I don't.

More than anything, the biggest problems I have with the change is not that they took some signs down. I'm in agreement with most of them (with the exception of "bridge ahead" signs in certain cases) and in fact, I think there are others that could come down as well (is a "wet area" sign really of benefit or affect anybody's safety?) What I take issue with is how it was conceived and implemented, and what appears to be a "one size fits all" mentality.

As I've stated in other posts, I believe MSA should have solicited ideas and opinions from its membership on how to accomplish the goal of slowing riders down. As far as I know, it didn't. Yes, I know they formed a Snowmobile Advisory Workgroup, but it appears that this group was formed largely of MSA officials and already had a notion of what it wanted to do and did not consider other options.

Secondly, don't believe that every 90* turn or every bridge should be treated equal with regards to signage. A curve or turn in an open area where visibility is good is nowhere near the same thing as a curve or turn in heavily wooded (especially if coniferous) areas. Similary, a bridge on a rail grade or other straightaway can usually be seen from a fair distance; not so when that bridge appears just on the other side of a turn or curve (and yes, it happens; maybe not often but it does happen). I believe that each should be evaluated (and signed or not signed accordingly) on a case-by-case basis. Problem is, I know it would be considerably more labor-intensive and likely more costly.

Last, in order to minimalize the impact I feel the best way to implement a major change (and I do consider this a major change) would have been to implement it over the course of several season. As I stated before, the speed problem did not pop up in one season; why the need to try and cure it in one?

Not that this really means anything, but.....several people have noted that there are more positive comments about the change than negative. While that may be true here on JD, I know of another site that has far more negative comments than positive. How many of those are based on actual riding experience, I can't say. I'm just saying it's still a divided issue.

The doom and gloom I thought would happen so far does not appear to have materialized. I don't mind being wrong about that, although I don't know that we can come to a firm conclusion based on one season. The change has not really affected my riding or riding enjoyment. I'm happy about that, too. But if nothing else, it has sparked some interesting debate and dialogue! :)


Well-known member
I have been reading the posts and have something to add to this discussion. It seems as though opinion is split regarding the State's removal of signs, especially curve signs. In the 08/09 year there were 23 snowmobile fatalities with 3 being failed to negotiate a curve and struck tree. In the 09/10 year, 23 deaths with 2 being because of curve. In the 10/11 year, the count was 13 - 1. The 11/12 year, the count was 16 - 1. This year there has been 22 fatalities and 9 of these fatalities were failure to negotiate a curve and struck a tree. Why do I know this? Because my 49 year old brother was one of them. Speed was not a factor, neither was alcohol. They were on a road that was part of a main trail. The road is straight except for one area that curves around a gully. If there had been a curve sign, would this have happened? Know one will ever know that. But one death is too many and in this case, nine. Eight other families out there are going through what my family is going through.

Any rational person has to see that there has obviously been a correlation between the deaths on curves and the lack of signage. It is easy to debate this matter when the statistics are only that, statistics. But when those statistics touch your life, it is a whole different thing. That the State has done this is very negligent on their part. Putting back those signs will not bring back the nine people who lost their lives possibly due to the removal of those signs.

I'm sorry for your loss. Nobody should have to go through that.


New member
Every person that disagrees with you is trying to not allow you to have an opinion? I try and try to see it your way. I try an have extra compassion for you but with all due respect, all the common sense in the world does not get your attention. You never respond to our questions but you do just keep saying nothing and crying we have no room for opinions. How long must we only have opinion? How many
pages have we come to now and we are still ignoring stats and experiences? Maybe you are and that's why you don't contribute to the factual side.

Lenny did you read my response wrong? I answerd his question and I said let me quote
"anyone trying say thay have facts has there head up their azz" mezz did not give any facts so that was not directed twords him it is to you tho, as you keep asking me for facts to prove my point and I have asked you several times (and yes you have not given any) Facts on your point I do understand what you are trying to acomplish (i have also said that over and over) all I can say is Rusholio hit it on the head as how i feel about this and if my low miles this year keeps me out this then be it but my exsperience of many states and many many area of riding does if you ask me and I belive you (andd msa) have gone at this the wrong way...sorry but you are falling on deaf ears now as I work day in and day out dealing with people who make bad decision and people who have surcome to the roadways here in my state and for me to ever come up with the idea less sign is better will never happen and Lenny my guess untill you look into the eys of a dead person laying on a trail you will not see it my way.....

ONE DEATH DUE TO THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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