Electric vehicle


Well-known member
If it was a viable thing te government wouldn't need to subsidies it. Cell fones didn't need to be subsidies. Look at ethanol or anything g the government pushes. There isn't enough electrical production currently in this country to power even 3 percent of the cars being battery. Coal fired ants are being torn down nuclear plants are being shut down they burn natural gas now to make electricity, driving the price of that up. Pushing electric cars when there isn't enough generation is just a nother dumb thing the government does.


A Lot of arse statistics in this thread. (statistics pulled out of ones backside) EV's only cost effective if oil artificially inflated by government. They are not the next big thing. Are there enough brainwashed people out there who think they are helping change the climate by buying one to sell out in the near future. Yes. There is one reason we can't have both electric vehicle grid and ice vehicles at the same time. That reason is half the country has a my way or the highway mentality. Manufactureres' are being forced to produce electric vehicles cause one of the biggest states just banned the sale, not because its the next big thing. If it was market driven, people would switch over and oil would get cheaper and cheaper as the demand wanes. Why not just build a better product?
You are thinking backwards. Gas in most of the rest of the world outside of Dubai is and always has been a lot higher than the price we have been paying in the US. And now that we have a price spike everyone is up in arms. Our gas prices have been manipulated lower than the world average for years. By the government. Ethanol blending is a great example. You only have to go across the border to Canada to witness this. All the European countries have been paying at least double what we have been paying for years. And that is what is driving the whole thing. EVs are cheaper to own and drive than ICE vehicles. Period. As I stated, it is not necessary to spend $80000 or more on an EV. They can be had much cheaper. And to ad to that a new Ford FX4 Lariat ICE pickup is not free either. That is what my new Lariat Lightning is most comparable to. A new ICE Lariat FX4 is about $73 grand if you can find one. My Lightning sticker was $79500. Before the federal tax credit of $7500. So the argument that EVs are $20000 more than similar ICE vehicles is just a lot of hot air.


This is a world thing. The world does not revolve around the USA . Sorry.


And there is no need to be all high and mighty about the federal tax credit of $7500. Is it right? Is it wrong? Who cares? It is there and I am going to take advantage of it. It has to do with playing by the rules that are in place . You can play with the rules that are in place or you can sit back and bitch. Which is more productive?


Active member
Ha. Do what I say and don’t complain. Sound familiar.

I don’t care what they pay for gas in Europe. That is their socialist green deal tax problem, not ours. Oil is traded on the global market. Gas gets messed with by the time it gets to the pump. Look at Illinois. Why is the gas more expensive, governmental taxes.

The EV tax credit is a carrot that is there to push someone’s agenda. Good or bad is what it is.

On the other hand. Let me know when I can drive 3 hours pull over for 10 minutes almost anywhere and drive another 3 hours. I’ll take a look. And yes I know that is probably coming some day.


Well-known member
This is a world thing. The world does not revolve around the USA . Sorry.
well the USA is a world leader, and many countries follow and copy what we do here
so, I'd say the USA has a BIG say in what happens world wide! if the USA wasn't such a leader and desired place for how we live, so many wouldn;t be coming here to live!

and you may be correct that E vehicles are not that far apart in price to comparable ICE one's

but, the ICE one's can many times do more, go farther and have more convinces
so, costs savings will be a lot closer IMO, as to any great savings on a E vehicle ownership
as till you pay for a charger to be installed, the added cost to buy(even if only a few grand as you stated)
the out of pocket costs your paying for owning a e vehicle, are not that great on the first one any how
add in inconveniences for folks that travel often, DON"T own a home, a garage with a charger
, or a second vehicle!

and since E vehicles are NEW or the decent one's are
we really have nothing to compare costs of maintenance on them IMO
take an ice vehicle, trans, motor, rear diff,s brakes/

well, an ev also has a motor,/motor's and electric motors do go bad, just like Ice one do! , maybe in different ways, but both can fail, and have issue's!
Both have charging systems, , Ice one an alternator, and I gather an e vehicle has a much more complex charging system, and Both can fail! and need replacing!

and just ask folks that work on vehicles about electrical how much fun that is when something acts up,
the amount of Labr to find some issues on Ice vehicles can be costly, have to think even higher on an e vehicle!

simple odds, tell me, the more electrical gadgets the higher the odds of issues with some of them, , ( and for sure has been my experience any how)
all e vehicles, have a LOT more electronic's I gather than a Ice vehicle will

both have wheel bears, shocks, rust, tires

and lets also be honest, if were comparing NEW vehicles to new vehicles, ice/EV,. when you buy them NEW, both have warranty's on them, so most COSTS< are covered for repairs
Oil changes?? maybe not, but, how many oil changes can one do for the costs of paying extra for EV and having a charger installed at home?

so, I don;t think the savings will be any where as big as many believe they will

lots of things sound great on paper, but in the real world, we all know, MFG"S lie about things they claim there products will do!
and again, I am NOT bashing EV's, I am just pointing out things, I see issue;'s with them,
and that many are maybe over selling them on what they feel they will do, !
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Well-known member
Another thing to think about is that there is no used EV car market right now. With this Brandon inflation only a certain % of people can afford to buy new cars right now. I have a hard time paying $70,000+ for a vehicle to be honest with you, Most of my vehicles are used, I take my time and find the best deal on the best truck for my use.
The USA is the envy of many in this world. That’s why so many wish to come to this country as mrbb stated. Unfortunately, those currently in power are working hard to bring down our standard of living to be comparable to countries inferior to us. USA superiority is frowned on by them. Jacking up gas prices is just one example.


Well-known member
Another thing to think about is that there is no used EV car market right now. With this Brandon inflation only a certain % of people can afford to buy new cars right now. I have a hard time paying $70,000+ for a vehicle to be honest with you, Most of my vehicles are used, I take my time and find the best deal on the best truck for my use.
Good point current EVs will need to be turned over quickly. If battery technology improves as we hope no one will want this first generation EVs unless dirt cheap. I wouldn’t be interested in one especially trucks. My all wheel grocery getter ice gets 30mpg+gets filled maybe 16 gallons every 5 weeks or so maybe longer. My ice truck 80,000 miles that does truck jobs is in great condition. I’m definitely NOT in the market for any vehicles new or used in the near future. I’m interested in ice / EV comparos just my nature to be informed on new technology same as snowmobiles.
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Well-known member
With this Brandon inflation only a certain % of people can afford to buy new cars right now.
I said this 10 pages ago. Walk into the parking lot at my workplace, the average vehicle is worth under $10k. I would also say the average person at my workplace makes $60k, which is a good paying income for the area I live in. How are these average Joes supposed to all of a sudden be able to afford a $50k+ electric vehicle? The F150 lightning retail might be about $80k but every dealer that has one right now has a $10-20k “market adjustment” markup tacked on. Once these electric vehicles are 5-10 years old and become affordable for the average Joe, who knows what types of problems they will have, not to mention the cost to replace a battery is higher than most average Joes cars.


Well-known member
I said this 10 pages ago. Walk into the parking lot at my workplace, the average vehicle is worth under $10k. I would also say the average person at my workplace makes $60k, which is a good paying income for the area I live in. How are these average Joes supposed to all of a sudden be able to afford a $50k+ electric vehicle? The F150 lightning retail might be about $80k but every dealer that has one right now has a $10-20k “market adjustment” markup tacked on. Once these electric vehicles are 5-10 years old and become affordable for the average Joe, who knows what types of problems they will have, not to mention the cost to replace a battery is higher than most average Joes cars.
Average income $60k, after taxes, 401K, medicare, Social Security you would be lucky to net $35K take home. Then comes your monthly expenses, home payment, insurance, food, gas!, utilities, kids, etc. Both parents must have to work to make it in todays world. When I was young around 30 years old, a good paying job was 30K and my wife stayed home to raise our daughter. It was pretty slim pickings for us until I got my first break in life and moved up the ladder at a different job. That is life and it does get better year after year if you work hard for it.


Well-known member
Ford just raised 2023 Lightning price another 5k. OPEC cutting production by 2 million barrels day.
Only gonna get uglier.😭
Rising gas prices is hurting many Americans in so many ways. This trend will continue given today’s decision by OPEC+. It’s having a detrimental impact that could be readily solved by adopting energy policies that were in effect during the previous administration. However, there’s an even more critical crises that many do not know or realize. Our safety and security is being compromised by the release of our strategic oil reserves by the current administration. This leaves the USA very vulnerable.


Well-known member
Rising gas prices is hurting many Americans in so many ways. This trend will continue given today’s decision by OPEC+. It’s having a detrimental impact that could be readily solved by adopting energy policies that were in effect during the previous administration. However, there’s an even more critical crises that many do not know or realize. Our safety and security is being compromised by the release of our strategic oil reserves by the current administration. This leaves the USA very vulnerable.
Joe Biden and his Administration live in a world that is not affected by all of this, THEY DON'T CARE!, it's been 2 years now and it's obvious the only way to stop this is to vote these terrible people out of office starting on November 8th. It's a shame that they have 4 years to tear us apart and destroy our great country. It makes me ill, people say that you have to stop thinking about it, I say NO, we have to do something about it or they will take everything we have worked for. I hope the people that voted for this mess will have finally come to their senses?
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We need to quit exporting our gas & oil & keep it here where it is needed in order to contain the inflating prices that are forced on us. This may be a band aid, but it would be a reasonable fix for now. As far as the rest of this quagmire, well, it's going to be a long 24 months.......


Well-known member
Rising gas prices is hurting many Americans in so many ways. This trend will continue given today’s decision by OPEC+. It’s having a detrimental impact that could be readily solved by adopting energy policies that were in effect during the previous administration. However, there’s an even more critical crises that many do not know or realize. Our safety and security is being compromised by the release of our strategic oil reserves by the current administration. This leaves the USA very vulnerable.
just wait till winter /cold weather gets here and so many cannot afford to pay there oil heating bill, its going to really strain a lot of american's this winter with prices so high and climbing!


Active member
The base Pro model will now start at $53,769, including the $1795 destination fee, while the top Platinum model will reach north of $97,000
Ford just raised 2023 Lightning price another 5k. OPEC cutting production by 2 million barrels day.
Only gonna get uglier.😭


Well-known member
just wait till winter /cold weather gets here and so many cannot afford to pay there oil heating bill, its going to really strain a lot of american's this winter with prices so high and climbing!
Yes it is.


Well-known member
EVs submerged in salt water in FL are shorting out and burning. FD says get them out of garage and let them burn out too difficult to put out and ties up FD resources.