Its the end of the world.
The reality is that most snowmobiling fatalities are due to excessive speed and/or failure to safely negotiate road crossings, with or without being intoxicated. Personally, I don't want to be so wasted on anything that I'm not sharp in case of an emergency, even when I'm not driving. Also, as I driver, I try to remind myself to slow down for trail crossings so riders can see you rather than speed up to prevent them from pulling in front of you like some drivers will do. Unfortunately, drug abuse, (especially alcohol), is still a huge problem here in Upper Michigan (and nationwide I would guess) and a leading cause of accidents and crimes such as vandalism and theft. Just because you have the freedom to be stupid doesn't mean that you have to be.
The reality is that most snowmobiling fatalities are due to excessive speed and/or failure to safely negotiate road crossings, with or without being intoxicated. Personally, I don't want to be so wasted on anything that I'm not sharp in case of an emergency, even when I'm not driving. Also, as I driver, I try to remind myself to slow down for trail crossings so riders can see you rather than speed up to prevent them from pulling in front of you like some drivers will do. Unfortunately, drug abuse, (especially alcohol), is still a huge problem here in Upper Michigan (and nationwide I would guess) and a leading cause of accidents and crimes such as vandalism and theft. Just because you have the freedom to be stupid doesn't mean that you have to be.