Trespassing vidio Watch and discuss



that makes a lot of fricken sense to shoot 2 guys for trespassing and NO, they didn't ride up to the guy with the gun aggressively. I guess what you are saying is if you make a mistake you ought to die,,,lol

If you read the article it says the sledder was stuck and realized he was in a guys yard, he gets unstuck and is heading out and hear comes Darly with a pistol grip sawed off shotgun stomping a sled and smacking a guy in the head. Daryl also said he brought the gun because he was worried for himself,,,l0l,,,worried? When you are worried you aggressive smack someone and kick a sled and run around around with a modified shogun? Old stinkin liar! The fricken landowner is a total yank and a liar. Yea , the two goons trespassing are yanks for being there in the first place but Darly is a major yank.

The land owner is probably upset because every time he bends over when feeding his puffy lama's they boof em. That, or the noise of the sled distracted the fluffy goats while his encounter and the animal lost his ambition, whatever old boy is frustrated.

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I'm pretty sure most of the ppl who agree with the shotgun weilding guy have never been shot at or returned fire in any situation in there lives.

A simple tresspass NEVER deserves a deadly enforcement response.

The guy with the shotgun never showed proof of who he was either...but i guess if you are weilding deadly force, you don't have to, eh?

Best case senario defense for the offender (Gun totin fool) is that there were repeated tresspassers, and these guys were going to face the rath for ALL of them, dadgummit!!!!!

I heard of a case years ago where a city dweller on a corner lot was sick and tired of school kids cutting the corner and messing his lawn up with foot and bicycle traffic so one day he decided to send a message and the hothead dragged a lone kid into the garage and threatened to put cigarette burns all over him if he ever cut his yard again....same misguided and misdirected anger as this case, except the sleds left NO permanent signs of damage.

BTW, this video does NOTHING to ruin the rep of sledders except to those that is already haters.

bingo! Snobuilder for president!


Well-known member
LENNY wrote;
"The land owner is probably upset because every time he bends over when feeding his puffy lama's they boof em. That, or the noise of the sled distracted the fluffy goats while his encounter and the animal lost his ambition, whatever old boy is frustrated."



New member
Both parties are out of line. But those dudes were locals and they knew they were not on the trail and riding on private property. But in the end, news broke that some crazy landowner is confronting trust passers on his land with a shotgun. I bet nobody trespasses oh his property again!

Dude has some ballz to be confronting a dude with a gun.


Well-known member
Both parties are out of line. But those dudes were locals and they knew they were not on the trail and riding on private property. But in the end, news broke that some crazy landowner is confronting trust passers on his land with a shotgun. I bet nobody trespasses oh his property again!

Dude has some ballz to be confronting a dude with a gun.

Agree. And I agree with you guys who are calling out the land owner, and can see to some extent, on how you would want to get into it with that guy for his actions.

I guess more over, we as snowmobilers, should be educating the new riders (They said they have only been riding a short period of time, like a year or something), that most of the time, you are riding on someone elses property. RESPECT IT. Stay on the trail unless you know you have permission to be off it, regardless of some other yahoo who went across some wheat field past No Snowmobiling signs (Just an example not specific to this or any other "case", we have all seen the tracks).

Then this situation NEVER happens, and we NEVER have to debate how badly people act.


Super Moderator
Staff member
The guy who gets slapped in the helmet, gets off his sled, and lips off by saying "what the **** are you doing" to the land owner. I guess if i would have been the land owner snd some disrespectful punk said that to me, i would have done the same thing. Better yet, instead of kicking the hood, maybe put a round through it eh? Yea, now were talking!


Well-known member
me thinks I should start a tread around mid May called please post pics of documented terrain snomodamage.
I hope this site can house alla the pics....LOL


The guy who gets slapped in the helmet, gets off his sled, and lips off by saying "what the **** are you doing" to the land owner. I guess if i would have been the land owner snd some disrespectful punk said that to me, i would have done the same thing. Better yet, instead of kicking the hood, maybe put a round through it eh? Yea, now were talking!

I don't know Skylar, if you and I were out riding and I pulled up by you and some whack with a pistol grip sawed off is yelling and kicking your sled I just me be apt to become extremely concerned, I wouldn't show it in order to not contribute to the escalation but I'd snatch that gun at first chance I got unless the dude calmed down somewhat quick


New member
guy who got slapped in head is a friend of a friend!!! school teacher at that and they have vouched for him as a super nice guy.....with that said I dont condon trespassing but the story is they got twisted up and where trying to get back to the trail......after watching the video the first time I can say I hope I never get in this type spot as the people I ride with would of went diffrent.......

we had a guy stop us once crossing a drive way (on a trail) and he blocked us with his truck then shut one guys sled off and took his key.....grabed one my friends and that was all it took we droped him like a sack of potatos he got up and ran to his the sheriff shows up and he starts(the guy in truck) yelling that he had sleds in one his corn fields 2 days before and he wont take it anymore......cop gave him the riot act and told him he lucky we didnt hurt him more.....


yea, no one is saying the sledders are in the right, in fact they are not, they have trespassed but the reaction of the gun man is unreasonable and not justified. hard to believe people defend his actions.

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X2! keyboard/website heroes!
BS, not all are scared to death and will defend themselves, it's a fact. I have been in a even more serious situation than what we all seen in this video so for some of us,,,,,, we respond, not piss our pants

Mr. Ringworm made some serious mistakes like not backing away after whacking the sledder with the helmet and taking his eyes off him, staying in reach. Would be somewhat easy to disarm the Daryl and toss the threat 75 ft into the snow.
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New member
1) The guys knew they were trespassing, why ask the landowner what they were doing wrong they knew perfectly well. The first words out of the sledders mouth - while he was still coasting up should have been "I'm sorry" Instead he started cussing. Both the sledders could have handled it much differently. They had over a minute to apologize and never did, then think they can show the video to the world and get the landowner in trouble.

2) That "sawed off shotgun" is the cheapest home protection shotgun you can buy. Go to any Wallyworld/gunshop - they will have one for $330 or so. Mossberg 500. (or buy the $40 grip available also at any Walmart to convert any shotgun to a pistol grip).

3) If the video doesn't change any opinions on snowmobilers we have a huge problem based on the poll. 70% of people already don't like snowmobilers? - even if it is 30% skewed it is horrible for sledders.

4) People complain about trespassers in the UP where the max line of sight is 50 yards. This was the prairie where you can see miles, and he was stuck in the guys yard? Yeah, just got turned around...

5) I tell you one thing, if the landowner didn't have the gun, I think his chances of "getting dropped" would increase almost 100% - see Firecatguy's post. Obviously a different situation, but a bunch of sledders dropped a pissed off landowner (obviously stealing keys is a bit more extreme but illustrates a point that if you don't defend yourself a group of more guys can overpower you pretty easily).

6) The sledders weren't being robbed, they were trespassing. This isn't a fight for your life situation - this is an apologize for hurting a landowner situation.

7) Bottom line, this video should have stayed private - both parties look like aholes
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You know what, I'll play just this once. Tell me what would have happened to the guy with the gun if the sledders where two DNR officers investigating a call. And the guy with the gun held the gun the same way in front of them, kicked the DNR's sled, and hit a DNR officer across the helmet? Then, tell me why it is different for these two?

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Agree 100%. That's my position. Even if he has a trespassing problem in the past, it's for the police to handle, not for him to handle the way he did.

this is the best post on this thread and it illustrates the threat from Mr.Ringworn. Weapons would have been drawn if it had been the DNR because they would have been justified to fear for themselves. Hopefully worm man would not have been shot but here's the point, wormy was unpredictable and armed, do you just hope he doesn't kill you or do you diffuse the situation. I am not claiming to be a hard a** or a tough guy but my reaction would have been remove the gun because Ring was making huge mistakes and it was possible to easily remove the weapon. Now if it were a situation where removing the weapon proved impossible I would do just as these guys did and hope for the best.

In reality, when the first sledder approached ringo, there is no way ringo could hear him say "what the F", and the sledder did not aggressively approach ringo. If ski-doo boy would have carved to the right and pinned it I bet ringo would have fired a warning shot so dooski would never return.


1) The guys knew they were trespassing, why ask the landowner what they were doing wrong they knew perfectly well. The first words out of the sledders mouth - while he was still coasting up should have been "I'm sorry" Instead he started cussing. Both the sledders could have handled it much differently. They had over a minute to apologize and never did, then think they can show the video to the world and get the landowner in trouble.

2) That "sawed off shotgun" is the cheapest home protection shotgun you can buy. Go to any Wallyworld/gunshop - they will have one for $330 or so. Mossberg 500. (or buy the $40 grip available also at any Walmart to convert any shotgun to a pistol grip).

3) If the video doesn't change any opinions on snowmobilers we have a huge problem based on the poll. 70% of people already don't like snowmobilers? - even if it is 30% skewed it is horrible for sledders.

4) People complain about trespassers in the UP where the max line of sight is 50 yards. This was the prairie where you can see miles, and he was stuck in the guys yard? Yeah, just got turned around...

5) I tell you one thing, if the landowner didn't have the gun, I think his chances of "getting dropped" would increase almost 100% - see Firecatguy's post. Obviously a different situation, but a bunch of sledders dropped a pissed off landowner (obviously stealing keys is a bit more extreme but illustrates a point that if you don't defend yourself a group of more guys can overpower you pretty easily).

6) The sledders weren't being robbed, they were trespassing. This isn't a fight for your life situation - this is an apologize for hurting a landowner situation.

7) Bottom line, this video should have stayed private - both parties look like aholes

has anyone here remotely defended the sledders for their actions? I have not seen one post that someone is saying the sledders did nothing wrong, not one person has said this! The point we are trying to make is that the land owner over reacted and put not just his life in danger but all three of them because someone somewhere, a different outcome has occurred. Trespassing is illegal and these guys did just that, broke the law but because they broke the law, does Ringmaster legally have the right to assault them, damage their property and point a deadly weapon at them while being irate. That's what we are talking about here people despite the title of the thread, it is the discussion we have been having.

Bottom line, threaten someone with force and you just may encounter equal or greater force. In my entire life I have never been an aggressor nor approached someone with force and I do not intend to but if I am confronted and a weapon is in the mix, you better hope you don't make a mistake, I think most of us here think the same way on that, at least I hope we do.


New member
If you trespass on my property and I have the opportunity I will confront you and ask you to leave...nicely. If you or any of your buds (indy500 or ?) make any kind of aggressive move in any way, out comes my (legal) concealed carry 45. Would you want to go further? I WILL defend my life and property per my constitutional right. You made the first want to gamble that I won't shoot? Go ahead.....

This is so effin' stupid to be arguing over. We snowmobilers are are own worst enemy. What the **** are we...ghetto hoodlums?


Well-known member
I never said anything about walking up to a guy and dropping him for no reason but if a guy acts out of line like this landowner did I'm not going to sit there and let him kick the sh1t out of my sled.


If you trespass on my property and I have the opportunity I will confront you and ask you to leave...nicely. If you or any of your buds (indy500 or ?) make any kind of aggressive move in any way, out comes my (legal) concealed carry 45. Would you want to go further? I WILL defend my life and property per my constitutional right. You made the first want to gamble that I won't shoot? Go ahead.....

This is so effin' stupid to be arguing over. We snowmobilers are are own worst enemy. What the **** are we...ghetto hoodlums?

you just made my point and made it precisely,,,,,thanks for that. The sledders in the vid made no such move and that is obvious from the video and it seems we all agree on that. So we are left to the conclusion that poncho acted totally irresponsible, no justification for his actions other than ignorance and stupidity.

Your scenario shows aggression towards you by sledders but in the video that is exactly what Mr.Ringworm did. Thanks again!


Well-known member
Personally, if I were in those sledders' boots (and hopefully I never will be), I'm not so sure I would have gotten off my sled to approach a gun-wielding guy who is obviously agitated and carrying the weapon in a threatening manner. By doing so the guy who got off just separated himself from his best chance at getting away should the guy open fire. Who knows if the landowner is thinking rationally or not (again, the fact that he's agitated does not bode in favor of him being rational). He may (rightly or wrongly) perceive an approach as a threat and react to it. Why risk making a bad situation worse, even tragic? me a wussy, but when dealing with a p.o.'d individual with a shotgun (or any firearm), who appears ready to use it, it would be "yes sir", "no sir", "sorry sir". Risking death or severe injury for stuff (i.e., the snowmobile he's kicking) just isn't worth it in my book. Stuff can be fixed or replaced. I'd rather be a live wussy than a dead hero, when it comes to stuff. Risking life for a person (yourself, friend, family, etc) is obviously a different matter.

This is not to say I agree with the landowner's actions. I don't. I empathize with him being ticked, and he had every right to be, but his manner of dealing with it left much to be desired. I don't have a problem with him bringing his firearm in case things went wrong (after all, he has no idea who he's dealing with, either, and how they may react to him) but I don't think he needed to deploy it so menacingly at the outset and more often than not if you deal with a situation in a calm, cool manner there's a good chance you'll get the same in return.

All parties involved acted inappropriately and all are lucky the outcome wasn't worse than it was.
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New member
Personally, if I were in those sledders' boots (and hopefully I never will be), I'm not so sure I would have gotten off my sled to approach a gun-wielding guy who is obviously agitated and carrying the weapon in a threatening manner. By doing so the guy who got off just separated himself from his best chance at getting away should the guy open fire. Who knows if the landowner is thinking rationally or not (again, the fact that he's agitated does not bode in favor of him being rational). He may (rightly or wrongly) perceive an approach as a threat and react to it. Why risk making a bad situation worse, even tragic? me a wussy, but when dealing with a p.o.'d individual with a shotgun (or any firearm), who appears ready to use it, it would be "yes sir", "no sir", "sorry sir". Risking death or severe injury for stuff (i.e., the snowmobile he's kicking) just isn't worth it in my book. Stuff can be fixed or replaced. I'd rather be a live wussy than a dead hero, when it comes to stuff. Risking life for a person (yourself, friend, family, etc) is obviously a different matter.

This is not to say I agree with the landowner's actions. I don't. I empathize with him being ticked, and he had every right to be, but his manner of dealing with it left much to be desired. I don't have a problem with him bringing his firearm in case things went wrong (after all, he has no idea who he's dealing with, either, and how they may react to him) but I don't think he needed to deploy it so menacingly at the outset and more often than not if you deal with a situation in a calm, cool manner there's a good chance you'll get the same in return.

All parties involved acted inappropriately and all are lucky the outcome wasn't worse than it was.
All parties involved



New member
Protecting your family and house is one thing...chasing people down outside and saving the snow in your yard is deserves a gun and one dont.......

bluthooth- just fyi the guy was assaulting my friend and had taken his key out his sled.....self defense is what the police called it.....and believe me if the second sledder in the video reached in his coat and pulled out a legal permitted gun and shot him dead I am sure the video will show a land owner who was unreasonable and out control trying to defend your land with a gun is a no no thats why we have police....defending your house with a gun is very different..........people need to start using there head better!!!! the action better warrant a gun......if you have a gun out that means your going to use it not wave it around...

what I really hope is some you watch this video and understand that you can not act like the landowner did in this day and age!!!!The only ones in the situation that would been justfied to shoot was the sledders being stoped at gun point by someone who does not own the land!!!

Our land in Pine city is right on the lake...took me 18years to make it look like a golf course from the house to the water!!!!new neighbors in cabin next door decided that a new 4wheeler and letting there kid run in our yard when it flooded was great idea......guess what the sheriff said!!!!!!need a fence to keep them out or signage every 10ft or there nothing they can do but give a warning......trespassing is not as cut and dry as some you think...a gun is way over board unless you plan on kicking someone sled and hitting one in the head then you might need a prepared to goto jail