Union thugs are at it again


New member
I guess our opinions on the matter differ. Saying someone is brainwashed may not be the nicest thing to say, but it does not seem like he is being bullied to me. After, all you said something pretty similar: "If you believed more facts, and less propiganda, you would understand that." in post 244.

But we can certainly agree to disagree!


I did say something similar. But, the differance, I feel, is that it was not directed at a 16 year old. Also, my response was to his false statement of unions go barging into the employers office and demanding raises. This is propiganda (correct use of the word) spewed by the anti union agenda for years. I don't recall anything in indy's posts (I may be wrong, please correct me with the specific post if I am) saying he was told this or that by his parents or his teachers at school.

We can agree to disagree, that is part of what makes this country so great! :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
While the word "only" is too strong of a word in reguards as to where they spend their money, I see nothing wrong with a buisness showing they support the public unions in WI. Like I stated before, if there is that much supposed wide spread support for the bill, those the signs will have a negative effect on buisness and the anti union lobby will have nothing to worry about.

I do think the wording could have been different as to not be as confrontatioonal and more just supportive.

I have no problem with a business supporting a union either, as long as they are doing it under their own free will. However, when a union sends out an e-mail basically saying, "union members may not support your business if you do not put this sign in your window" that is wrong, and is bordering on extortion. I have a hard time believing anyone, union member or not, can agree with those tactics. :eek:


New member
and unions have done these things in your life? unless you are over 100yrs old no.what have the unions done in the past 50ys except make huge and small companys all over the usa file chapter 11 to get out from under the crushing piermed scam knowen as full ride pension and med plans that are unsustanable in any world except gov and now time for the Gov to pay the piper and get a grip on reality .and if it true the union brought me OSHA that is one more bone I have to pick with unions now I dislike them more than I did when I worked for one.BTW I come from a long line of union workers both state and private who could have done so much more with there life

Wow, frnash is going to have a field day with that one.

You don't like OSHA? Really? You don't think workers have a right to be safe while working? That's nice.

The only contractors that I have seen file chapter 11 have either been victims of their own mismanagement, or victims of the economy. If all of the contractors have to play by the same union rules, by that logic, every union contractor would have filed chapter 11. The Gov. has to pay the piper for their own years of mismanagement and the unions are the fall guy.

We are all responsible for our own paths in life. Don't blame the unions because your relatives could have "done more". Nobody is putting a gun to our heads.


New member
But...but...but, but....I LIKE :p!

Now, I'm never gunna look at another :eek: the same again.

OH, whoa-is me!!

Guess I'll just go watch another re-run on TV....heck....now that tyler, and lenny and cat man are all gett'n along....heck, probably even indy is off shoot'n baskets.

What's dis world cum'n to???


Active member
WOW! Ya'll covered a lot of ground while I was helping my kids with homework!

Mike - "I can only speak for myself, but when I was a foreman, if someone was not pulling their weight or where acting dangerously, THEY WHERE GONE! Even if they where "connected", you work hard and safe, or you are gone. The union protects your wages and conditions, not your job."
Right - because you work in the private sector for an employer that has the say so. It's not always so in the public sector. And I'm not BLAMING the unions for the fact that retirees deserve their benefits - just stating that it's unstainable to pay retirees more than active employees (And I'll leave out the jab that the union refused to pay the pension to the grand-patriarch of our company but paid him back 90 cents on the dollar for his 40+years of payment into the pension plan)

And what about the, what I consider, unfairness of local, state and federal gpvernment jobs only going to union shops?

Lenny - not that you owed an explanation to ANYONE...but I've been reading in here a lot of years before I started posting this fall...I have always (oh, not a good word to use??) thought of you as a good guy with good posts about whatever it was that you weighed in on and respected your opinion. That was a great post. In regards to parenting your 18 year old son I wish more parents, especially fathers of sons, stood so firmly. I think I was thinking more like Mike (and no offense to Mike :))was thinking on this part of this thread.
Mike stated - "I agree that he could have been more respectful in his responses. To get respect you have to give respect and he could have been more tactful. I just chalk this up to being 16. Not an excuse for it, just an explination. How many of us where cocky little sh**s at that age? (some of us still are) Especially on a faceless forum where you don't have to look the other person in the eye. He obviously has a passion for this issue and I don't want him to be swayed by the tactics mentioned above on this or any other issue"
But I see your point and I hope that Indy does as well!!" But I see where you're coming from and respect your point of view all the more.

I think that I would never have the brass cojones (obviously! I'm a girl! :eek:)) to call out the propietor (sp?) of a website that I spend far too much time on. When John (and that seems odd to me to call him that because I've never met him and he doesn't have the benefit of having a screen name like the rest of us) makes a statement here I feel like I should respect it and listen to it and, well, if I don't like it? I can pack up my toys and go home.

But then again, I am one of those wimps that uses smiley faces and what not so nobody gets mad at me and feels like I'm attacking their point of view?!? :eek:


New member
quote from Skylar:
Very good point, I can only base my opinion on my 25 years of being in the work force, and talking to other people in other professions that I have met in those 25 years, and what I have learned about unions, in high school, and on my own. A group of people wanted to start a union at the place I am employed at some 15 years ago. After listening to what the union rep said, a vote was taken, and we voted no union.

There are plenty of us that do not belong to unions, and fall in the "middle class", with out a union telling us who we can vote for, or where we can spend our money, etc etc.

My wife and I both make pretty good money, for our area, and we did this by busting our butts and earning every promotion we have gotten. We did not need to go into the owners office as a "group", and demand more money, or else. We went in to the office as a single employee, with a list of we offered to the company, sometimes we were rewarded, other times not. The times we weren't, we discussed what we could do better, made the adjustments, and were rewarded later.
Lake Effect Snow, my three favorite words.

could not agree more, but i have to change it from 25 yrs. to 33 yrs. and minus the wife. i work hard for company, they notice and i get rewarded for this. went thru what he has stated with a company and it was decided by the employees that a union was not needed within this company. life is good.

here is a scenario i see often while working with union contractors that i just cant figure out yet:
arrive at 0700 for work, maybe by 0730 or 0800 the are actually working, then comes first brake, 10 or 15 min. break, that takes up to 30 min. before back to actually working, then come lunch, 30 min. lunch, turns into almost 1 hour, and then finally last break, same times as first. and then go home time. that will be 30 before actually punching clock.
if i add right, someone is getting 6 hrs or less of actual work out of them. to me just dont seem like someone is getting 8 hrs. of work from them, that they are being paid for.
yes i am aware of 2 breaks and a lunch is entitled, just amount of time it takes to take them. now i ask why?


Well-known member
Wow, frnash is going to have a field day with that one.

You don't like OSHA? Really? You don't think workers have a right to be safe while working? That's nice.

The only contractors that I have seen file chapter 11 have either been victims of their own mismanagement, or victims of the economy. If all of the contractors have to play by the same union rules, by that logic, every union contractor would have filed chapter 11. The Gov. has to pay the piper for their own years of mismanagement and the unions are the fall guy.

We are all responsible for our own paths in life. Don't blame the unions because your relatives could have "done more". Nobody is putting a gun to our heads.

osha is out of control the day they come on a job you are on you will know what I am talking about.and the chapter 11 I was talking abot corps like 3m GE GM honeywell dodge most airlines any one with unsustanable labor contracts.I am not blaming any one for some of my familys place in life. what I am saying is if they did not buy in to the hype like most workers back in the day some would have been judged on there worth on the job the the colective worth of the job


New member
I have not read every post on this thread. But I felt I must reply. So at the risk of repeating another post Id like to give my 2 pennies.
Indy 500 ,You have been one of my favorite people on this site. You seem to always be upbeat funny and kind to others. You remind me of my own son. He is a great kid just like you.
We are the best of friends. And I am proud to call him my son. but we had our times. He , just like myself in my younger days..... Thought he knew it all.
When he entered the work force and started paying attention to how his hard earned $ were being spent he stated to me.
Dad!! I work the first 1/3 rd of the year and dont make a dime! Its all taxes!!
Son, Ive been doing that for 40+ years now. Welcome to the "real world".
But dad have you seen how our money is spent!!
Ahhh.........Yes..... Son.....Welcome to the "real world"

In a earlier post I read how CEO /Pres of corps are making 100,000$ wages and thats not fare.
Something you should understand is the majority of CEOs are in fact small buisness owners trying to stay alive is a nearly impossible buisness climate.
They are not the thiefs that ran ENRON. They are your neighbors, and perhaps your parents friends . Most are the salt of the earth. And most care very deaply for their employees.
I do, I am a CEO / pres
I am proud to state that I have employees that work ther buts off. And some make more then I do . And they deserve it.
Enough said
I also read that you didnt know of any teacher etc that makes that kind of rediculus, unfare pay.
I live in SE WIS. I dont know what teachers are paid where you live but maybe they should think about relocating

Indy your a great kid. And just like me and my son I believe you will learn.

As my father would laugh and tell me when I was in my 20s
Son.....There is a reason GOD gave you two ears and one mouth.

> Subject: FW: 2010 Teacher Actual Wages - Govt wages exposed
> ATTACHED: This is the official excel DPI database of teachers wages by
> school district. Look up your own district !!!
> The current budget repair bill would have them paying about 5.8% towards
> their own retirement....right now, we the taxpayer, pays 100% of their
> generous retirement, and most of us pay 100% of our own retirement too.
> AVERAGE WAGE AND BENEFITS (remember this is for about 9 months of work)
> Milwaukee $86,297
> Elmbrook $91,065
> Germantown $83,818
> Hartland Arrwhd $90,285 (highest teacher was $122,952-lowest was
> $64,942)
> Men Falls $81,099
> West Bend $82,153
> Waukesha $92,902
> Sussex $82,956
> Mequon $95,297
> Kettle Mor $87,676
> Muskego $91,341
> Arrowhead - Bus Mng - Kopecky - $169,525
> Arrowhead - Principal - Wieczorek - $152,519
> Grmtwn - Asst Princ - Dave Towers - $123,222
> Elmbrk - Burliegh Elemetary - Principal Zahn- $142,315 (for a primary
> school!!)
> Madison - Asst Principal - McGrath - $127,835
> UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN STAFF (2009) (salary alone):
> Michael Knetter - Prof of Bus - $327,828
> Carolyn Martin -Chancellor Mad- $437,000
> Hector Deluca - Prof of Nutritional Science - $254,877 (really??)
> (source:Madison.com -as the UW removed salaries from being posted online
> in 2007- why if they are so low?)
> How about some other "public servant job" ??? What do they make?
> Madison Garbage men (2009) (salary only):
> * Garbageman, Mr. Nelson earned $159,258 in 2009, including $109,892 in
> overtime and other pay.
> * Garbageman, Greg Tatman, who earned $125,598
> * 7 Madison garbage men made over $100,000
> * 30 Madison garbage men made over $70,000
> 136 Drivers made more than $70,000
> 54 Drivers made more than $80,000
> 18 Drivers made more than $90,000
> 8 Drivers made more than $100,000
> Top Driver made $117,000
> (Source WTMJ)
> (The average private bus driver makes $9-13 an hour (about 20,000 yr)
> with no pension, or healthcare.)


Well-known member
yeah really dont you have a heart and it is not about the teachers it is for the children and you love your children dont you?


Active member
Wow, frnash is going to have a field day with that one.

You don't like OSHA? Really? You don't think workers have a right to be safe while working? That's nice.

The only contractors that I have seen file chapter 11 have either been victims of their own mismanagement, or victims of the economy. If all of the contractors have to play by the same union rules, by that logic, every union contractor would have filed chapter 11. The Gov. has to pay the piper for their own years of mismanagement and the unions are the fall guy.

We are all responsible for our own paths in life. Don't blame the unions because your relatives could have "done more". Nobody is putting a gun to our heads.

You would be singing a whole different song if you were the owner of the company. Trust Me!!


Well-known member
Cat man mike:

I was the one who posted #54. I wasn't trying to be mean in any way. I was simply trying to suggest there are striking similarities. There is no way the facts could be laid out properly in this forum setting. I was just suggesting for those who care (especially union workers who are pro-union) such as yourself to maybe do some honest homework on the origins of unions and communism. Maybe you don't care and that's OK. As far as the way the BA's behave on my private property telling me I can't have my alarm guy install smoke detectors since they are non-union to me borders on communism. At the very least UN-American. I don't have a right to hire who I want? Really?

I've read where some people have problems with comments lumping all unions members or unions together. I have a feeling that union members who don't support the unions philosophically, but are members because they don't have a choice won't be offended by the lumping comments. My General Contractor friend who is in a union would be supporting the non-union side of this debate. As someone has said before, this debate was more about union leadership, not the worker. Yes, workers are effected but leadership led them down a path that cannot be sustained. Shame on previous union leaders and politicians who left the mess to us.


I would love to meet you one day. Maybe even ride...:)


haven't you ever heard of girl balls?

"When a female demonstrates balls, or guts, it is said she has girl balls so as not to sound awkward".

Urban Dictionary

It's true...my wife's got em.


Well-known member
Unions in a private sector are fine but there is no way you should be able to give money to someone that is going to sign your paycheck in the government. Lets post what your union leaders make. Then we will see what white collar is. How many kids do they have under them as ba's?


Active member
dfattack - YUP! AC/DC - High Voltage! "She's Got Balls" (my brother snuck me outta the house when I was 14 for my 1st concert!) - but really? That isn't me! I use smiley faces and what not but really??? I'm mostly bark bark and just a little bit of bite!?! :)


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,, the American dream, oh how sweet it is. You have a nice job, a nice car, a few credit cards, a few toys. Some have boats or planes. Our closets are so organized with nice cloths we wash when it isn't even dirty. We love to eat out, most of us are a bit overweight. We have the best in technology, web on our phones with 50 bucks a month bill alone, it never ends. Most of us are usually a few months away from a financial crisis, some, week to week.

What happens when the world experiences war, a hurricane, open borders etc,,,,,,, fear sets in and things change.

When the times change and our FAT lifestyles are in danger, we act. We either fight to maintain our fat lives or we fight to loose weight. This is exactly how I see this world wide mess. This union debate is more than a union issue. This issue is a symptom of a world wide problem. The problem is power and greed. NOW BE CAREFULL, I am not saying the problem is the union because the fact is it is a mentality. Is it possible that many unions are fat, or our personal budget fat, our federal gov fat,,,well yes,,, numbers mean something and the mentality that we as a nation spend deep to get out is against common sense. Yes, sometimes we invest capital to get a greater return but we are way beyond that. There is a world wide crisis and it's much more serious than we believe. Times are getting tougher and tougher and we cannot sustain our current spending in most aspect of the "American dream."

I need to get my finances in order but I need to sacrifice. The unions cannot sustain the fat of the momentous machine that roles on. The fed gov cannot sustain it's crazy spending. You see, I did lump the union in but not because I am against unions but in a sense they are a victim of their fatness along with most the country. The union is just experiencing their turn in a nationwide crisis. It's not the average union member or even so the outspoken union person. I was a union guy for 7 years and it was great, made lots of money, good Bennie's. I was union not so much because of a conscious decision to be union but rather it was prevalent in my area and there was a ton of work. I had no deep conviction to be a union supporter or a non union supporter, just so happened. During that time I was living the "American dream." It's not a plan, it's a way of life. When that lifestyle is in jeopardy we cling to what aided us to achieve the dream and for many that is the union, many it is not but it is no wonder we see a fierce fight going on because much is at steak. What is at steak is our fatness, not meaning that in a negative sense at all but keeping my speech the same for a better understanding. I hate to say it but all fat needs to be trimmed, unions included. Honestly, I don't even know what collective bargaining means nor do I believe that this matter hinges upon it. If the fact is the country and world economy is in trouble we all need to take some kind of action concerning our finances and that starts with the individual up to employers, state, fed, public, private, union non union.

Many of us are defending personal interests that are just a symptom of the real problem. Were not getting anywhere by treating a symptom. We just delay the inevitable. I am not referring so much to this debate but rather the guys on the front lines, fighting, threatening, lying. I suppose we are doing that to some degree in here and it just supports division. Until the division is overcome we suffer.

I believe something within the union has to be trimmed. I do not know what but when someone is threatened to loose something you will see a struggle and that's what we are experiencing. When I watch the news I am discouraged by the childish actions of both side. It's amazing anything gets done because power and greed is in jeopardy from both sides.

I am limited in my understanding of union vrs non-union and kinda sickened by the division. How is it that we can be so divided as people over this. Being limited I will voice my opinion or experience so don't start dumping me into the pot because were all fellow Americans trying to do what we THINK is best. For union tradesman, much time is wasted in a day. I belonged to local 97, painters union, West Chicago Illinois although I was a Sheetrock finisher, (still am.) We would roll in at 7 am and clown around while rolling out, setting up. Usually didn't lift a tool till 7:30, keep in m ind always commercial work such as, walmarts, restaurants, banks, hospitals,,,etc so the ease of slacking was easy. It was easy to do and we ALL,,,I say ALL did it, carpenters, grid ceiling guys, Sheetrock hangers, finishers, and painters. By 9:15 we were winding down for brake, some guys would wondering around going place looking busy. Supposed to be 15 minutes so at 9:45 we were back at it. 11:45 were winding down for lunch which is supposed to be 30 minutes but in reality we would never go back till 12:45. 3:10-15 or on Fridays 3:00 we start winding down for roll up. Lets see how much wasted time in a day? Close to 2 hrs a day, that's 20% fat. The sub contractor estimates a labor cost on the job and adds $ to cover oversight. That oversight is often the lazy a**. The sub contractor would not condone the slackness but it is the norm, it's not something they fight unless near the end of the job were loosing, that you'll see the owner out there watching and you bet the waste is gone. On the norm the owner knows it is going on. The same thing can happen with a non union contractor also but the difference is that the union contractor pays much more coin per hr than the non union. The non union is typically a smaller outfit and gets the crumbs of commercial jobs so the over loss of production is less and easier to handle. There we're years I worked strictly commercial with 60 other guys from our shop. Now add up the loss the sub contractor took. Did he loose or did it get absorbed into the inflated bid so to speak. The non-union shop in a union predominate region does not get that size job so the competition is other union shops. The cost of a union shop to a non-union shop is largely different. This is the fat I am referring to. This fat was not a deliberate plan of the union. It just happens from greed and power. If the non union cannot compete because they are bullied or threaten or the union members picket than you have a monopoly so to speak, and even inflated because of only union competition. I remember BITD I was friends with the estimator with our shop and boy did he have it hard. He knew the slackers we jeopardizing his bid with a 2 hr loose per guy per day. He was between a rock and a hard place trying to get the bid and knowingly add man hrs to the bid to compensate for the slackers. Add all the bennies and dues and the numbers are staggering.

The non union shop in my area could not compete and did mainly residential, although my union shop had some large custom builders that were residential. When we worked residential we worked piece work meaning paid by the sq ft of sheetrock. When working by the foot we flew, came and went as we pleased. We worked at a 25% faster rate and often made more cash than hourly on commercial.

When I left the union shop I went to work non-union. It was piece work and we were paid slightly less than the union but we paid out less also. I also had the option to defer the ins and get it paid to my check instead. When we did remodel non-union it was hrly and the rate was determined by our performance. The day I started I was told a rate I would be paid which was much less than most the others. I worked with the boss all week and he was impressed with my production and quality so I was paid the same, an example of a way to trim fat.

I see fat trimming much easier at a non-union shop if the shop is fair and in my multiple places of work, fair was the norm, quality was often the case. When I worked union we never finished with 3 coats, I mean never. 3 of the 5 non union shops I worked for were 3 coat shops.

So,,, what did I experience, a considerable amount of fat while working in the union, not a deliberate act of the union but rather the contractor. Personally I don't think the union would like to see it that way, it just was that way. Kinda goes with the old saying most of us are familiar with when we go by a road construction crew and there standing around, "break time"? I am not sure if it's always that way or not, only the workers know.

Is there more potential for fat in a union compared to a non union,,,yes
do union jobs cost more,yes, why? Wat percentage compensates for fat.
Why should a slacker get rewarded and paid the same, this is more so a problem with union workers.

The things I mention are real problems and maybe that is a start to fat trimming. That's all I have experienced and qualified to comment on.
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Well-known member
and cat man mike remember your love for osha and next time you need work at your home make sure you let the contractor know you will be calling osha for weekly inspections and to bid to work around their demands.the cost of a residential roof job alone would be over 3g more on a ww2 rambler with 4/12 pitch.I had to get new ladders a few yrs back or get a 10g fine the ladders were less than 10yr old Werner alloy and no fall equipment how many guys use fall equipment on 2s window paint job. that was for a happenstance drive buy on a $800 ext window paint job.my old partner was put out of biz buy osha got caught having guys just demo a old house int wood work and cut out wall for pocket doors with out having the led crew do the testing and removel of led painted wood work and plaster 30k fine.re name new lic holder back to it no more city work
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Well-known member

Please show me where ANYONE has bullied Indy into changing his mind. I have not seen it and have certainly not tried to do it myself. I have only tried to help the boy learn that there are respectful ways to give your opinion and ways that are not respectful. It's his choice, but quite frankly, if he chooses to show little respect in his posts to others, then he should expect to get any kind of response that comes his way.

No one is forcing him to post here and anytime an opinion is put out here, it is obviously a target for criticism. If he can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. No one is given preferential treatment, not high posters, not those with a specific age group, etc...


Indy: Practice, Practice, Practice what John , Lenny & others are trying to teach you. I fear you are not getting the point of their posts regarding your social style. Have your opinions that is fine but be more respectful towards the JD community we are not your buddies on the school playground. If you want to discuss adult topics you need to understand you have only been on this earth for 16 years. In my case I have 48 years of life experiences you don't have. Sometimes it is better to listen research & study topics & most of all look at things from the other guy's point of view. Then think about it soak on it you might change your mind. Never ever say I won't change my opinion no matter what the facts reveal or you will be eating a big plate of changed opinions as you increase your life experiences. Things change with time & so will you..............I hope. :)


New member
Lenny for president!!!! I would say you summed it up quite well. It's all about the fat. And you inspired me to get rid of the 10 or so pounds of fat I need to trim. :D