New member
Sure Mike - I do understand your point...but (and there's always a but monkey) there are also a lot of companies out there that don't get involved in snowmobiling or the politics of it at all, to use your example, and I don't boycott them because they don't have a sign in their window saying we support snowmobiler's causes...
We were a union shop for 56 years...we aren't anymore. It doesn't make us anti-union, it doesn't make us pro-union. It just didn't work out so well for the grand-patriach of our business and it was a little too pricey for us to keep it union considering we are just a small mom & pop outfit. Because we are primarily a HVAC shop, big daddy works with union guys all the time because there is no specific HVAC union here in Chi-town. He's not considered a bad guy for this. He would never THINK of touching the tin on those jobs if there are union sheet metal workers there - it's a respect issue...
This thread has over 200 posts now. I can't possibly remember who said what...but I know that I basically said is there's a lot of grey here - not pro/not anti any one particular union. Not pro/anti any one particular individual within any union. Some of the tactics? I do indeed have a problem with. And the wording of that letter is something I do have a problem with.
(Why do I keep on coming back to this thread??) (and now I feel self conscious about using smiley faces and what not so ya'll don't think I'm trying to be an a-hole?!?!)
There is a differance between anti union and non union. Like you said, in your specific situation, you are not anti union, it just did not work out for you. People have to put food on the table and if you can put more on being a non union company, then that is your decision and more power to you. You are not trying to dystroy the union or hurt union members like the current situation in WI. They used the current budget situation as a cloak to eliminate public unions as directed by Koch through his puppets. This was an attack and when attacked people want to support those who supported them. I see no problem with buisness letting others know their stance on the situation. If there is such widespread rejoyce of the elimination of collective bargining in the state of WI (Like so many would have you believe), then the signs would actually have an adverse effect on buisness. People would actually avoid those buisnesses because of their stance, unless there is more support behind the public unions than the right wants to admit.