Sure, go a head and elinimate all the unions because that will be good for everyone. You guys think you get paid vacation, parental leave, health insurance, and other benefits because the company you work for thinks your such great employees ? Guess most of ya don't remember when they locked people in manufacturing plants to keep them from leaving. You think you'd have things like OSHA,Lock Out, Tag Out, light curtains on punch presses, air filtration systems in hazardous working conditions ? You need to take a look at the conditions coal miners hgave in states where the coal industry owns the politician.
Yes, the unions have overstepped in some instances, but in the last election of the top 10 largest political contributers 7 were corporations and only 3 were unions. The Republicans ALWAYS out spend the Democrats. Now the Republican plan is to crush the unions so the democrats lose money and elections while due to the Supreme Court decision Corporations can contribute unlimitted funds to Republicans.
Also why is it that unions are BAD, but manufacturing associations aren't. I have been at a lot of these manufacturing getogethers and hear discussions about how much each company pays or how much health insurance they carry. During these discussions you can see these guys asking themselves why they should pay any more than the next company
does cause if they don't where are the employees going to go. Sure you guys can say " If ya don't like it where you are at leave" but when you are 35 -50 years old , own a house, have community ties, and kids with friends and school - do you really want to move ?
Maybe you should also think about how the teachers unions got so powerful - most of it has happened since the time when both parents have full time jobs. The teachers want more and threaten to strike and mom and dad go nuts cause what the **** are they gonna do with the kids during the day while the strike is on - who's gonna be the one who takes off work to watch the kids ? And they pressure the school boards to settle. My kids are grown now and I'm retired, but what are the rest of ya gonna do when the teachers say enough of this BS we aren't appreciated and have a walk out. Who's gonna take extended time off you or the wife ?
Go a head buy into to this it's the teachers and public workers fault cause that's just what they want, but watch the spread between the rich and poor get wider while you do. REMEMBER during this major economic down turn corporate profits are at record highs, Wall street benefits and bonuses are at all time highs - how well have you done ?
Lower corporate tax rates because it creates jobs - like that has worked so well for the past 10 years - give the corporations a break for sending jobs off shore also cause that's worked so well. Now lets get down on teachers and public workers cause they are the evil ones who took your money. No wait lets blame the Mexicans, blacks and jews
Yes, the unions have overstepped in some instances, but in the last election of the top 10 largest political contributers 7 were corporations and only 3 were unions. The Republicans ALWAYS out spend the Democrats. Now the Republican plan is to crush the unions so the democrats lose money and elections while due to the Supreme Court decision Corporations can contribute unlimitted funds to Republicans.
Also why is it that unions are BAD, but manufacturing associations aren't. I have been at a lot of these manufacturing getogethers and hear discussions about how much each company pays or how much health insurance they carry. During these discussions you can see these guys asking themselves why they should pay any more than the next company
does cause if they don't where are the employees going to go. Sure you guys can say " If ya don't like it where you are at leave" but when you are 35 -50 years old , own a house, have community ties, and kids with friends and school - do you really want to move ?
Maybe you should also think about how the teachers unions got so powerful - most of it has happened since the time when both parents have full time jobs. The teachers want more and threaten to strike and mom and dad go nuts cause what the **** are they gonna do with the kids during the day while the strike is on - who's gonna be the one who takes off work to watch the kids ? And they pressure the school boards to settle. My kids are grown now and I'm retired, but what are the rest of ya gonna do when the teachers say enough of this BS we aren't appreciated and have a walk out. Who's gonna take extended time off you or the wife ?
Go a head buy into to this it's the teachers and public workers fault cause that's just what they want, but watch the spread between the rich and poor get wider while you do. REMEMBER during this major economic down turn corporate profits are at record highs, Wall street benefits and bonuses are at all time highs - how well have you done ?
Lower corporate tax rates because it creates jobs - like that has worked so well for the past 10 years - give the corporations a break for sending jobs off shore also cause that's worked so well. Now lets get down on teachers and public workers cause they are the evil ones who took your money. No wait lets blame the Mexicans, blacks and jews