I think a lot of the posts on here are coming from people that really don't know much about unions and dislike them for any reason. Teachers invest lots of money in thier education to educate the future of this nation. How can anyone say that they are overpaid. They deserve what they make and thanks to all of them. If a person takes initative to get a degree or trained the best they can for a career then they deserve to make a decent living. There are many different kinds of unions and I can only speak for the trades, but we are trained in class and on the job (5 years for me) to be able to competently do our jobs. I can be fired at anytime for mistakes or bad behaivor without the union stepping in. They are there to protect me as far as a contract, but not to keep my job. Out of work? No pay. We work hard everyday to make a paycheck. The jobs are dangerous at times, I work with high voltage wiring everyday, one mistake and that could be the last. Over the 30+ years in construction our bodies will be wore out. I'm not complaing, I like what I do and make a middle class living but certainly not getting rich.
Should everybody work for minimum wage? We can all make $8.00/hr with no benefits, kill the unions, things will be cheap and people will maybe stop bitching then. (yea right) The economy will really be great when nobody besides the rich can afford to buy a house or new car or even food for that matter. The pay moves with inflation, union members aren't doing better now than they were 30 years ago, the money just doesn't go as far. 10k + for a new sled for example. I understand that there are places that are not strong union and that is fine with me, not saying its for everybody and not everything they have done is good. Just not necessary to sit here and bash all of them into one classification.
I agree with your post on unions