Recent content by Mark@TimberlineSports

  1. M

    This happened today.

    Lake gogebic 11-19-17. Let the hating begin! Lol!
  2. M

    Guide services in the UP off trail

    I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND my guy, which i might add is in my opinion the best in the western U.P. but I guess if you want his number you'll have to call me due to the top secret sanctions on this post. HA! my number is (906) 575 3397. And yes I am a PAID advertiser. -Mark ______________________
  3. M

    Ski-Doo dealer

    This is not true. The only factory authorized dealerships located closest to Hurley or Ironwood are, Timberline Sports in Bergland MI Lando'Lakes Recreation in Lando lake WI Ron Hallstrom sports and marine in Woodruff WI. You can always use this link to find your nearest ski-doo dealer...
  4. M

    Half year DOO

    Yes, Lenny, in fact we do have 2015 ski-doo's in stock, actually about 20 of them, at Timberline In Bergland. Guess I'm wondering what your point is? -Mark ________________________________________
  5. M

    super long track on Timberline Sports web cam

    Nope, way too long for me. The 154 got me to the BBB just fine! LOL -Mark ______________________
  6. M

    super long track on Timberline Sports web cam

    Yea, that's Just a "Shorty" 163 that we took on trade. Super clean 2013 with 1500 miles if your interested! -Mark ______________________
  7. M

    Lake Gogebic tracks?

    Cracks me up the negative comments are from guys that live south! Guess if I was looking out my window at grass and maybe an open pond or lake I would second guess it also. BTW- Skidoo power is why you don't see any ski tracks! LOL! THE ICE ON LAKE GOGEBIC IS NOT SAFE! DONT DO IT! -Mark
  8. M

    Who out there has C&A pro skis

    I have had quite a few different pairs of C&A's and I would take either the SLP Powder Pro or the SLP Mohawk over them any day. I have heard good things about those pro ride skis also. -Mark __________________________________________
  9. M

    Gogebic Ice Fishing?

    You could try Gus at Gus's Bait shop 906-365-5050 or Tim at the Timbers Resort 906-575-3542. Either one of these guys an get you on the HOGS. -Mark __________________________________________
  10. M

    Sled rental around rockland?

    RMK4EVER- Do I need to stress more than usual, "Pull to the side" and "Dont pee in the middle of the trail" in my rental tutorials this weekend? LOL! Thanks for renting from us! -Mark __________________________________
  11. M

    Backpacking the Yooper?

    We also have a gentleman in our area that will pick-up or drop off on any of your route. His Name is Phil and his number is 906 285-2352 -Mark ___________________________________________________
  12. M

    L o s t............................

    Post made me think of this. Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read on the internet! -Mark ______________________________________________
  13. M

    Timberline Sports - Bergland

    Thank You! Thank you! Thank You! We really appreciate your business and awesome compliments / comments like these make it all worth it! If it wasn't for customers like you we would not be here. It's not just us up front though, the guys in the back are the backbone to our dealership, so...
  14. M

    Hey Renters

    done! _______________________________________________