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  1. A

    Stay off the lakes in northern Wisconsin !!!!!

    4 sleds and counting...have now gone through the ice in the past 3 days in northern Wisconsin (a 58 year old man has died near Rhinelander)....the rule of thumb is...if the club has not marked not go on it!!!! Trails are open in northern Wisconsin (in some areas)...conditions vary from...
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    Tomahawk UPDATE 12/31/15

    With Oneida County trails opening sounds like the Northwoods Passage is going to open the Hiawatha trail (railroad grade) from Sara Park to the north, so folks in town can get trail access....I will let swampy give you the official details on this. I just wanted to let you know...
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    Fyi cruiserfest...cancelled this year!!
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    Tomahawk Update 12-29-15

    STORM WAS A BUST!!!! 2-4 inches is being reported across the north woods (more to the south...less to the north). I'm glad we got some snow...every little bit helps...but unfortunately it's not enough....we still need cold weather to get these swamps, rivers, and lakes froze....keep in...
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    This storm is least here (Tomahawk area)

    Started off saying 3-5 on Thursday (nws)....down graded last night 2-4 for merrill north (3-5 Vilas county) saying 1-3....haven't even seen a single snow flake...not sure if areas further north are seeing snow...but in my area...this one's a total bust so far. :(
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    Tomahawk 12-24-15

    Well...we just missed having a "brown christmas" we received just over two inches of we actually have some snow on the ground, and it finally looks and feels more like winter around here...currently it's 24 degrees and it's been cloudy all maybe we can start building...
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    Tomahwk Area 12-22-15

    Unfortunately....I don't have anything yet....I had hoped that by now I would be able to tell you that we have a nice base, and the lakes are ready. But mother nature isn't cooperating with snow...swamps wide open, and the lakes have minimal ice (2"inches in the bays).....RAIN is also...
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    It's Ugly

    NO in my area (Tomahawk)....and NO ICE.....after yesterday's rain (and last week's warm weather) we are starting over...the lakes and rivers which had started to freeze over nicely two weeks ago...opened back up.....I went through my weather notes, and could not find a year where we...
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    Let's see your spring/summer toys!!

    Here is my 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan's been a great bike, with BIG it
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    7000 Cat

    MOmoney...good you work for ski-doo's PR department?? Here...this is from the 2015 AM any of you see a 600 Ski-doo faster than a VIPER??? BTW....The LTX was 2-3 MPH faster than the standard Viper on top...with-in 3-4 mph of the 800's... also am snow had the Viper...
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    3-9-15 Tomahawk Trails...the fat lady....

    has sung......I have no official word on what trails are closed...or what are still open....I can tell you I rode yesterday...and found some good, some bad, and some ugly....the hiawatha is toast...down to the was real thin in spots yesterday, and getting very soft...the lake ice is...
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    New Apex was sighted!!!

    Unverified...and seen by a loyal polaris rider west of minocqua, this weekend.....said apex on the hood....doesn't look like the current apex and doesn't look like the current VIPER...will it come out for 2016?? I guess we will see wednesday. Of course...we can always bug the crap outta...
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    Who else is having fun with their new/used sled they bought this year??

    I am having a blast....trails have held up pretty good despite the lack of heavy fresh snow...I have a few minor issues (mostly personal preference things)...but otherwise...this sled just rocks...happy as heck with this Apex's fast, handles great...absolutely love the works as...
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    Tomahawk update 2-23-15

    We got a little snow last week...the dry fluffy stuff...but none the less snow (4-5 inches)..combined with the cold weather....the trails have improved..saturday morning they were really nice....GOOD to Excellent, south and east of Tomahawk (Down to Irma, and east to Harrison)....once you get...
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    John can you translate this and give your take on what it means??
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    What a strange Winter...Where's the snow??

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    Tomahawk Update....2-12-15

    Well....the snow that was expected was a flop....we only got 2 inches....better than nothing, but not what we were hoping least the bare parking lots, and road areas have some snow cover now. However...trails are actually in pretty good shape...Everywhere the clubs have groomed are...
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    Hey Ski-Doo riders

    Are any of you having gauge problems with your new sleds....??? My buddy just got a 2015 GSX SE, and the gauge pod went out (around 100 miles)...he is taking it back to the dealer...they are replacing it under warranty...but he told me...another guy (also a GSX 1200 SE) was having his sled...
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    My new ride is home!!!

    Thanks again to Kip at Pats
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    Thanks to KIP at PAT's.....I have a new sled!!! to me...she's coming home's a 2011 Apex beautiful shape....CAN'T WAIT TO PICK HER UP!!!!! Another GREAT DEAL on a sled from KIP and the boys (and girls) at PATS....I better stay away from that YOOPER coffee...or I won't sleep for two