Search results

  1. dfattack

    Quebec Destination

    I didn't want to hijack the 3 old guys thread. If I head to Quebec this is where I'm staying. It's a nice hotel for sure but the website makes it look slightly better than what it is. What's great about it is you can rent sleds onsite, huge parking for trailers, inside parking garage (heated)...
  2. dfattack

    Ice Fishing in the South

    My son sent this to me and thought it was pretty funny.
  3. dfattack

    Cargo van shelving recommendations

    I plan on buying a Chevy express cargo van and would like to set it up with shelving. I would prefer to get some type of kit installed since I don't have the time or knowledge on how to install my own. Does anyone recommend a brand name of shelving? I see quite a few online and wanted to get...
  4. dfattack

    email alerts

    Can someone tell me how to stop the email notifications? I have gone through my preferences and thought I unchecked the boxes but I'm still getting them. I have tried everything at the email provider to consider them "not spam" but they keep going into my spam folder so would like to simply stop...
  5. dfattack

    Trailer padlocks

    I have been using these and for the most part haven't been a problem. I have noticed however when I remove them and tilt them sideways water is running out. Last season they froze on me once while still on the trailer. Had to use a heat gun to thaw them out. Does anyone use a lock that they...
  6. dfattack

    NCN - WebCam Update

    Asking the question about updating the webcams... I realize this is a task John used to take maybe once a season (that I know of) and was wondering if there were plans for someone to do the same or if anyone (maybe Gary) even knows what to do? Quite a few down and one from trackside even has...
  7. dfattack

    Constant screen refresh

    Anyone else have this constant screen refresh happening? It's so annoying. you can be typing out a post and the screen refreshes constantly and makes you temporarily lose your place. It's happening on my laptop and iphone. Just wondering if I'm the only one this is happening to.
  8. dfattack

    What makes us ride where we do?

    I was going to post a more lengthy message a couple weeks ago when I was reading about people discussing heavy traffic, people riding in the middle of the trail, etc. but I decided against it at the time partly due to time. I didn't have enough to cut my comments down since I don't really like...
  9. dfattack

    Trail 15 Iron River MI

    I seem to remember a thread about this but couldn't find it. Does anyone know if the bridge is repaired that was causing this trail to not be groomed it? Haven't heard anything in about a month and was just curious.
  10. dfattack

    Anyone travel out west this year? Yellowstone?

    Getting ready to head west this weekend and am wondering if anyone has been out there so far this year and how your trip ended up.
  11. dfattack

    Ratchet straps

    I have some new straps and they seem to be really hard to loosen. I want to use WD40 but don’t want them to get all oily. Im Talking about when you pull back on the metal piece to loosen it. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I can use to make these work better?
  12. dfattack

    Trail 5 south of Big Bay

    I heard this trail was closed between Big Bay and republic. Can anyone confirm?
  13. dfattack

    AGM 26R Battery

    I've been trying to find this battery and haven't had any success. Does anyone know if this battery type and size exist? If so, any idea where I can buy one?
  14. dfattack

    Lake freezing vs swamp freezing

    I keep seeing comments on how swamps aren't frozen yet and safe to groom yet lakes are at least 6-8" in most cases now. That's safe for vehicles. Why would swamps take so much longer to freeze up? Anyone know?
  15. dfattack

    2022 Mach Z

    I know someone looking for a low mile 2022 Mach Z. If anyone knows of someone wanting to sell can you let me know?
  16. dfattack

    2022 Doo Grand Touring stock front shocks

    I have the two front shocks available. Never been used. Once sled was put together I installed after market shocks. If anyone is interested please let me know.
  17. dfattack

    137" Ripsaw

    I have a Ripsaw 1 track that came off my 2022 Mach Z. Has a little over 1,000 miles on it. Not sure what to ask for it but if anyone is interested let me know.
  18. dfattack

    Trailers - Good news / Bad News

    Unfortunately I had to ship my trailer back to Legend for some repairs recently and was finally able to pick it up yesterday after they had it for 2 months. They were very nice to deal with and I'm happy with the repairs. Not happy to have to send it back but happy with the outcome. I had...
  19. dfattack

    Hope I never pass this crew

    This is an older link from 2015 but have never seen this before. My son sent the link to me and I watched and couldn't believe how they were riding. I don't want to be naive but in all my years I've never come across riders riding side by side and passing like they do. Sure it happens but holy...
  20. dfattack

    Another accident

    I don't understand how this could have happened at night but tragic. Not enough info in the story.