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  1. T

    California wildfires

    I'm bracing for my home owners insurance renewal in June. With the dollar figure of homes, business, dwellings that will be approaching hundreds of billions of dollars we're all going to be paying for it down the road. Though I think a lot of these places don't have fire insurance as it's not...
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    Sticker shock

    Today went to my local swimming pool store to buy a 50 gallon pail of chlorine tablets I’ve been using for years. Normally it costs between $90-120 at high end but if u buy this early in the year it’s cheaper than middle of summer. That same pail today was $259.95! I was floored! I just stood...
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    10 feet

    Snow could pile as high as a one-story building for some in the US as others get a rare white Christmas
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  5. T

    Journal One of my favs too
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    Stimulus check

    Got mine deposited today. Wife and two skids,,,, $3400. I will say I'm a little torn with just handing this money out to every single person in this country regardless of predicament. My self and wife for example. I'm still working as many hours as always, wife is a teacher and while she isn't...
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    at noon today 8-15 JD's temperature is 48.4 degrees according to this site. Is that really correct??
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    junk thread..

    did it get yanked?
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    Hey beer man,,,

    You out there with any pictures from the Marinette/Forest Co. area??
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    11 inches in 45 miniutes??

    I heard last night in Buffalo co. Wis. they got 11 inches of rain in 45 minutes. Was reported on WTMJ this morning. If that's correct that is unreal!!
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    pine wood derby car

    that journal brought back some fond memories of me and my bro working with my dad in the 70's in our basement making pine wood derby cars for the years we were in cub scouts. never won anything that I can recall but great memories. good stuff man.
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    Detroit Lions..

    Only the Lions could drive arguably the best RB and WR of all time to retire early. Back to another decade in the basement.
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    forecast graphic - text

    no forecast graphic or text today? 2-25. prolly don't wanna see how far the freeze line is heading north anyways.
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    No blizzard warning.??

    just curious about something and I know your prolly swamped. all day i was wondering when they'd be issuing a blizzard warning for where i'm at. north about 35 miles of Milwaukee. started snowing around 9:00am was all snow until 4:00. mixed with sleet for about an hour and a half and changed...
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    I'm starting a Packer thread because frankly the Bears are terrible and that Cutler thread has been beaten to a dead horse. If Mc Carthy let's him Rodgers might throw 7 TD's this week against the team he grew up next door to rooting for his whole life who snubbed him on draft day. Thank you...
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    wrong date..

    john you got the wrong date on the journal thread.
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    fish fry dinner..

    caught a whole mess of gills over the weekend and looking for a different recipe to breading and frying them. have done the egg and milk breading have tried all the shore lunch and most breading's you can find in a grocery store, blah blah blah. anyone else got a tasty way of breading and frying...
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    teton pass ncn cam..

    head on collision on the cam right now between two vehicles. couldn't paste it here for some reason.
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    How's everyone's garden? Been a great year here in SE Wis. Plenty of rain not to hot. I have the best patch of green beans I've ever had. They are so tasty nothing like green beans outta the garden! Just picked 6 Walmart bags of lettuce, that's a lot of BLT's and salads. Got about 20 green...
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    Happy Weathermans Day..

    Boy they sure have a day for everything don't they. Thanks for all your efforts John!