Electric vehicle

old abe

Well-known member
Because there has never been a recession or downturn in the first place. Wrote a bunch of checks and loans 2 years ago to prop up business when many of them found ways to adapt and overcome. Was there struggle and hardships? Was it all peachy and easy? No, but if there was truly a bad economy cars wouldnt be over msrp, lines for $150K boats, etc. Sure certain areas and industries took a beating, but others are riding record profits.
Shortages of goods feed the fire of inflationary price of goods. The price of Crude Oil has been a large driving part of the USA periods of inflation of the past 45 years plus. Followed by recession. With the Market Price of Oil, now set by the World Demand Marketplace, and Unlimited Amonts of US Exports of Crude, and Refined Products, we are in a bad position. Due to in past years, OPEC bad actors we, the US, had Export Quotas/Limits to be able to protect the US supply, and prices. No more is that the case, like it or not.


Well-known member
Because there has never been a recession or downturn in the first place. Wrote a bunch of checks and loans 2 years ago to prop up business when many of them found ways to adapt and overcome. Was there struggle and hardships? Was it all peachy and easy? No, but if there was truly a bad economy cars wouldnt be over msrp, lines for $150K boats, etc. Sure certain areas and industries took a beating, but others are riding record profits.
Ok if you want to reimagine how a recession is defined then your view is as said we are not in a recession. I don’t agree I think the traditional definition of 2 shrinking economic quarters equal a recession. We are in a recession now and probably will only deepen in the third quarter with rate hikes. Imo it is what it is.
Spot on! When you're out of whatever, you're out, eh! Battery charge, gas, fuel, Whiskey , Rum, Beer, whatever, You're out!
Old abe your correct, I hate running out whiskey, Ok batteries aren't made for the auto industry yet, when they catch fire you can't put them out with water it takes special chemicals and most fire dept. don't have yet, second and most important, Nobody will take them to recycle them, there is No way to get rid of them yet, so whats a dealer going to do stack them up out back of his building and hope they don't catch fire. And there is already a shortage of mining the lithium for the batteries, doesn't make sense to me. Hydrogen cell should be looked at real hard. Yes there are some out there ,It should be the next thing for vehicles and until we could get there, they should run more propane vehicles. Batteries are made for hand held equipment. Just my thoughts.


Active member
Ok if you want to reimagine how a recession is defined then your view is as said we are not in a recession. I don’t agree I think the traditional definition of 2 shrinking economic quarters equal a recession. We are in a recession now and probably will only deepen in the third quarter with rate hikes. Imo it is what it is.
If the claim is that goods and costs have gone up $9,000 per year that is incredible. I equate that to a motorcycle or a sea doo that we could all buy. If the $9,000 was that much of a challenge to people, then spending would reflect that. We would see cut backs, no vacations, minimal new purchases, job losses where people can't do luxury/recreational things. My definition of a recession is when discretionary spending significantly gets cut. Right now thats simply not the case from what I see each and everyday.


Well-known member
If the claim is that goods and costs have gone up $9,000 per year that is incredible. I equate that to a motorcycle or a sea doo that we could all buy. If the $9,000 was that much of a challenge to people, then spending would reflect that. We would see cut backs, no vacations, minimal new purchases, job losses where people can't do luxury/recreational things. My definition of a recession is when discretionary spending significantly gets cut. Right now thats simply not the case from what I see each and everyday.
Ok with me to have your own opinion of what a recession is to you. I believe in numbers and traditional application of those numbers of 2 consecutive shrinking economic quarters equal a recession. There are always business and people who suffer more or less in any economic conditions good or bad but numbers tell the truth despite any spin. I spent my life in sales and marketing and if not expanding your market and showing growth then you failed as the rest of the business depends and Is budgeted upon sales hitting or exceeding those numbers. For me the numbers don’t lie it is what it is and and discrete action is necessary to try and make numbers in any event.


Well-known member
Getting past the gas and go lifestyle takes more planning. It takes a change in thinking to adopt electric vehicles. If you want convenient, you want a good charger at home. It takes quite a bit of power. There are plenty of homes and communities that can't serve that need if everyone wants it at home. That is the current reality.
Family members have a mix of electric and ICE. The use the electric most of the time running around. Their cabin is a nice "house" built in the 90s, and uses a heat pump. The 200 amp service was strapped with a fast charger. The slow charger was fine, but they didn't like planning around the charge time.
We have used electric rentals in Europe. Their setup isn't too bad for city travel. I'd call it more of a loaner program. There are plenty of stations with cars available to use. It's almost like those scooter rentals you see around the cities except you plug in the vehicle.

It really comes down to doing things different if you want to go full electric. I honestly would not enjoy electric as the only option when I decide to pull out the driveway. I would still want an ICE vehicle as the long hauler and workhorse. Having an electric around as a runner, it would be fine. In fact, my wife would rarely ever drive off a full charge with her current driving. We have thrown around the idea of her next car making the switch.
We have two main issues.
Our home power is right on the cusp of it's ability to run the current fast chargers. I figure it's a bit silly to run power without planning for the next step. Not sure yet, where that is going? Two vehicles down the road?
The second issue with her car. . . . She doesn't like buying cars. She doesn't want to look for a car, doesn't want to spend money on a car, and once it is done, she wants to keep it forever. To her credit, that is dang simple. The cheap civic with a ton of miles hasn't really needed anything. It's been gas, oil changes, and tires for over a decade. I've become fan of not doing anything with her car too. :) Oddly, it was hard for me at first because I take pride in having nice vehicles. To her, the car runs and it's a sorta silver color. Clean or not, it's the same car doing it's job.
Her two issues with cars sorta play into the decision of going electric. How simple and cheap will it be if she wants to keep driving the thing 10+ years down the road?


Well-known member
If the claim is that goods and costs have gone up $9,000 per year that is incredible. I equate that to a motorcycle or a sea doo that we could all buy. If the $9,000 was that much of a challenge to people, then spending would reflect that. We would see cut backs, no vacations, minimal new purchases, job losses where people can't do luxury/recreational things. My definition of a recession is when discretionary spending significantly gets cut. Right now thats simply not the case from what I see each and everyday.
Walmart and all the Big Box stores cut earnings for the rest of the year. I think they know when discretionary spending is slowing, follow the money.


Well-known member
Old abe your correct, I hate running out whiskey, Ok batteries aren't made for the auto industry yet, when they catch fire you can't put them out with water it takes special chemicals and most fire dept. don't have yet, second and most important, Nobody will take them to recycle them, there is No way to get rid of them yet, so whats a dealer going to do stack them up out back of his building and hope they don't catch fire. And there is already a shortage of mining the lithium for the batteries, doesn't make sense to me. Hydrogen cell should be looked at real hard. Yes there are some out there ,It should be the next thing for vehicles and until we could get there, they should run more propane vehicles. Batteries are made for hand held equipment. Just my thoughts.
as for fires, another BIG concern and problem with fires and E vehicles, is, most fire depts don;'t have the skills or training or even at times the ability to CUT the power to a e vehicle in an accident or fire, as they do on MOST ICE vehicles
due to the way batteries are laced in E vehicles
so its not just a fear of fire from, the batteries themselves, its, a safety issue for rescue worker at accident scenes too as well as vehicle drivers and passengers by standers and so on!

If the claim is that goods and costs have gone up $9,000 per year that is incredible. I equate that to a motorcycle or a sea doo that we could all buy. If the $9,000 was that much of a challenge to people, then spending would reflect that. We would see cut backs, no vacations, minimal new purchases, job losses where people can't do luxury/recreational things. My definition of a recession is when discretionary spending significantly gets cut. Right now thats simply not the case from what I see each and everyday.
I know a LOT of folks that live on under a grand a month and its FIXED income, and too old and health wise to work any more,, and I can tell you for a FACT there hugely effected by current costs of things, and are very scared of the up coming winter and heating bills, as they KNOW they cannot afford heating oil at current costs and still buy FOOD!
you might not see it, but I can assure you MANY folks are altering there spending and traveling and HOW there spending the money they have and going without a LOT of things they USED to be able to have!

not everyone is still working and getting raises and able to survive these high costs, many are going into debt just having basic;'s!
YES many are spending and living ell even with prices, but its NOT everyone that's for sure!


Active member
The poor original poster was just looking for “real world” electric vehicle experience, sorry dude, I tried. 🤷‍♂️
Thanks for trying. I don't think there are many people out there that own one yet, and I personally don't know anyone. I think they will become more popular once the manufactures can build them. I am curious what it cost to charge them, and for the charging station installation. Also I know there used to be big government rebates to purchase one, don't know if that's still in place. As of right now, it will not work for me for several reasons. I am happy for those who are trying this direction, and looking forward to hearing about real world experiences.


Well-known member
having a charging station installed will vary a lot, between where your located at, how the power company you use wants to handle things, and ,. what the electrical system in your home can handle or NOT< without needing to be up graded!
if your house is older, and never had any upgrades to its system, it might be a rather costly deal
if your system is newer and has room for a adds on it will cost less!

two of my properties would require a whole new set up to add one, its maxed out now, and have been since the 70's with what I added over the yrs
for me, these two places would be very costly!
so price will really come down to several things, there is NO , GUESS or an accurate one, without knowing what your set up is and what your local electrician will charge you for the work(and possibly any permits needed,m BOTH my places any mods require a zoning permit, and one of them, due to the way they have things, is, NO more mod's can be done, period, due to ordinances they have in place(it sucks) they only allow fixing things to existing conditions that were what they were before the new rules came out!
I cannot even run power to a shed there if I wanted too(I did and was told NO)
SO< the future at that place for me means NO legal means of charging a E vehicle! weeee! HAHA!


New member
Thanks for trying. I don't think there are many people out there that own one yet, and I personally don't know anyone. I think they will become more popular once the manufactures can build them. I am curious what it cost to charge them, and for the charging station installation. Also I know there used to be big government rebates to purchase one, don't know if that's still in place. As of right now, it will not work for me for several reasons. I am happy for those who are trying this direction, and looking forward to hearing about real world experiences.
You might want to try asking your question in a (electric car forum)???


Active member
Thanks for trying. I don't think there are many people out there that own one yet, and I personally don't know anyone. I think they will become more popular once the manufactures can build them. I am curious what it cost to charge them, and for the charging station installation. Also I know there used to be big government rebates to purchase one, don't know if that's still in place. As of right now, it will not work for me for several reasons. I am happy for those who are trying this direction, and looking forward to hearing about real world experiences.
I tried to find the old thread “ordered a Ford Lighting” but it must have been archived. In it I put my one year costs (as I recall it was something like $400-500 in electric cost compared to the prior suv would likely have been $800-900 in petrol and $150-280 in oil changes). My estimates were based on fuel being $2.75 per gallon and my blended electric cost of $0.16 kwh (electric rates have not changed but gas prices, yikes). I will find my write up and post it here.

As for my home charging station, I went with a Charge Point brand unit that was one of two approved by my utility Consumers Energy. By selecting that unit and “allowing” my utility complete internet access I received a $500 rebate. They see all my charging and the unit is controlled by an app on my phone. I get a discounted rate on electricity ($.003) (😂) to charge outside of 2-7pm. The unit cost roughly $600 on Amazon at the time and a local electrician installed it for $150. My home’s newer and the circuit breaker box is in the garage so adding the 50 amp circuit was minimal. I lowered the amp charge to 30 on the app to make sure my backup generator will not have any issues if utility power goes out (about 7 times a year).

There are IRS rebates out there and can very by manufacturer and how much of their pool is available. Since not many Audi’s have been sold here in the states mine received a $7,500 spiff and because I am a Audi Club member I received additional discounts, all in around $15k in markdowns. The rebates bring the cost down to slightly more than a ICE product and this is a IRS deduction not “here you go cash”. By leasing mine I was able to use it to lower the monthly payment and have a lower buyout option. That buyout option now looks like I stand to make a sizable upside if I don’t buy it in 18 months.


The federal tax credit of $7500 is available for the first 200000 electric vehicles each mfgr produces. Tesla and GM have already exceeded the 200000 production number.


Well-known member
When it doesn't require tax credits and subsidies paid for by tax payers than it might be somthing to look into, until that time it's just a delusional fantasy land.


When they all hit 200000 things will get very competitive. And cheap. Two years. Things are going to to be a lot different.


As far as subsidies have you ever heard of ethanol? Just about every energy source is subsidized. Pick your poison.


The government has their nose in everything. And that is the main reason things don't work.


Well-known member
Motor trend just posted a review of a Ford lightning towing and is titled “Tow No!”… couldn’t even make it 100 miles towing a camper. I can’t believe we’re still wasting time posting and talking about electric vehicles here…


Well-known member
Motor trend just posted a review of a Ford lightning towing and is titled “Tow No!”… couldn’t even make it 100 miles towing a camper. I can’t believe we’re still wasting time posting and talking about electric vehicles here…
Certainly not ready for prime uses of this website. Maybe someday but not yet by a long shot.